21 states reporting rise in COVID-19 cases l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

A new model puts the potential U.S. death toll at 200,000 by October. ABC News’ Megan Tevrizian has the latest.

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By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “21 states reporting rise in COVID-19 cases l ABC News”
  1. As an American you kind of dont feel bad for most of these states. They picked their path now roll with it…you elected the governor saving your state and I'm sure you will reelect him for doing suck a wonderful job saving and protecting the lives of the people within their own state. Keep up the good work I'm sure at this pace most of these states should beat this virus pretty soon.

  2. To all the Trump-Pets who act like they don't see the obvious difference between the hundreds of thousands of protesters around the the world and the rallys and conspiracy theorist gatherings in the states, look and hear again.
    ( Hint: Look for masks, face shields, gloves and social distancing with the first group.
    With the second group, almost no safety equipment, social distancing is mostly non existent and plenty of vocal hoaxists, deniers and conspiracy believers. )


  3. Had a weird dream that there were massive demonstrations and carnage over the last several days. The news media doesn't mention it so it never happened but you mention a one day Trump rally, NFL and NASCAR. Good thing nobody takes big news seriously anymore.

  4. In matters of health, it's certainly best to listen to the advice of competent physicians over any others. A Baha'i Faith Law: "One must obey the command of God and submit to medical opinion." ~ Abdul-Baha, Bahá’í Writings

  5. Bob Dylan, updated: "Oh, it WOULD NOT be, a lonely TASK, if EVERYBODY gotta WEAR A MASK ! & ya don't want DISEASE ? No need to ask…EVERYBODY, Come on, WEAR your Mask !"

  6. Are they still telling people that there is a corona virus?? Give it a break with your lies already! All I see are people walking around with stupid masks that don’t help anyways! That’s sad nothing will be the same other than for the rich trailer park rejects!!

  7. Again they’re predicting numbers. It didn’t work the last time, and it’s not gonna work this time.

  8. Is it because of those BLM idiots!! I can't believe how liberal I was a month ago. After all the stupidity I saw and heard over the last month I'm going. It was an eye opening for me. Really? you are going to victimize africanamericans and whine about it, but you can't talk about accountability. Everyone has the power to make decisions…to choose. A lot of us were born with NOTHING but it's through hard work, sacrifice, discipline, perseverance that we have succeeded.

  9. If you think this is bad, you're gonna love the dreaded annual flu/Influenza due October-December mutated and nicely mixed with Covid-19. Covinfluenza

  10. Lol it’s crazy cause it shouldn’t been reopened in the first place trump and the others just want money to come back in not caring about who they killing smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ and now they want to open the schools trying to help kill off our lil kids this world 🌎 is so crazy we are so fucked having trump run our world 😞

  11. Take Vermont, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Utah, Wyoming, Peurto Rico, Tennessee, Hawaii, and Missouri would be off that list now because there cases went back down

  12. People just don't know how to tolerate the lockdown and the inconvenience for a year or more…. but maybe that doesn't matter anyway ??!! We live and learn.

  13. NYC study to put some light on whats happening. I've copied and pasted the findings below commentary.

    In the worst hit city/state in the world(NY) the death toll back on April 23rd was ONLY about 8/10ths of one percent. Or 8 people in every 1000 died from Covid. About 2 of every eight were from senior housing or centers mainly because NY was housing recovering Covid patients there. This is a stunningly low percentage along with stunningly stupid policy by the governor which cause thousands of either deaths or the expediency of.

    The below study, if continued, might find a much larger percentage of antibodies and prediction would show if the numbers progressed statistically the same, we could be somewhere around 4/10ths of one percent. Thats 4 in every thousand covid victims dying.

    These numbers are staggeringly low. The below study was gotten from worldometer.info

    "New York State Governor Cuomo said that preliminary findings from an antibody study conducted on 3,000 people at grocery stores across New York State found a 13.9% had coronavirus antibodies, suggesting a 13.9% actual infection rate statewide (21.2% in New York City), which translates to an estimate of about 2,700,000 actual cases in New York State (10 times more than the about 270,000 cases that have been detected and reported officially). Governor Cuomo acknowledged that the official count reported by New York State (which still is not including probable deaths as recommended by the new CDC guidelines) of about 15,500 deaths is "not accurate" as it doesn't account for stay at home deaths. Based on Worldometer's count (which includes probable deaths reported by New York City) of about 21,000 deaths and the 2,700,000 case estimate from the new antibody study, the actual case fatality rate in New York State could be at around 0.78%"

  14. Donal Trump (aka a giant hot Cheeto) is shaming protester because there lives or friends lives are at risk, but he is encouraging people to celebrate is failure as a president

  15. Just wait until winter..all normal influenza deaths will become covid 19 deaths. Your second wave guaranteed.

    Oh yeah I forgot..ABC is my favorite source for fake news! FART

  16. Why are there thumbs down. I have a sister working in a covid hospital. Yes Dorothy people die from this disease and it does spread.

  17. In a parallel world, covid is never said on news. Cases of yearly sickness are the same as this world. Deaths from and with yearly sickness match this world. The sheeple of that parallel world feared the almight whatever that world's news commanded them to fear. I wonder what the news propagandized in that parallel workd?

  18. Its been around forever hence testing will show large "cases" mostly asymptomatic. Covid is but the tool to usher in the Plandemic. To use influenza would not carry the fear weight of a new term COVID-19.

    Still. Amazing how labs are testing 10s of thousands of samples a day. Fucking mach 10 employees right there.

  19. 21 is less than 25.

    Turn lemons into lemon juice.  Give protestors Seattle.  Let people who don't want to wear a mask stay on Park Avenue.   Give protestors who don't wear a mask & gloves either New York or Seattle.

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