21 people aboard Grand Princess cruise ship test positive for coronavirus: Pence | ABC News

21 people aboard Grand Princess cruise ship test positive for coronavirus: Pence | ABC News

BREAKING: 21 people on Grand Princess cruise ship docked off the California coast tested positive for coronavirus, including 19 crew members and two passengers, Vice Pres. Mike Pence says. 24 people tested negative. abcn.ws/2TMI4L6

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44 thoughts on “21 people aboard Grand Princess cruise ship test positive for coronavirus: Pence | ABC News

  1. This is how you stop the spread of the coronavirus and get rid of it gather all who have it gather up all who has been exposed to it put them in camps kill them humanely and burn the bodies to Ash

  2. Airlines are the mode of travel using a sealed and pressurized cabin, not cruise ships. This virus spreads around the world because of air travel you silly ninny poopy butts

  3. Why not use Alcatraz as holding house to avoid the spread of the Virus. CDC's is ill prepared  because the people are not properly train. This is highly transmissible virus. CDC = TRUMP INCOMPENTENT.

  4. The washingtonpost, NewsWeek, has been heavily criticized for treating the Diamond Princess. With this Grand Princess, we hope the United States will set a great example. Please praise the whole story and report it. First of all, is it humanitarianly permissible not to drop a test kit and call at a port? Please answer nice to meet you.

  5. The Vice President has just added this statement — All Americans should pray really hard and put lambs blood over the entry way to all your homes. Homeless people should wipe some on their foreheads. He also has asked for $20 million to place large wooden crosses along our coasts and border crossings. Thank you Mr. President for putting the BEST PEOPLE in charge of this little problem.

  6. Why are not all cruise ships immediately cancelled and all planes coming into this country cancelled I solely blame the president and the vice president the CDC our National Defense and our homeland security I also blame the cruise lines themselves for not doing a voluntary shutdown we would not even be in this situation if proper actions were taken from the beginning president is treating the people that are aboard the Grand Princess like they're not even American citizens they deserve our respect and our care and there should have already been shelter places in place with negative air Chambers properly trained staff properly PPE equipment hazmat suit with their own breathing apparatus such as oxygen and the CDC themselves should be present at these facilities for their understanding and guidance set aside for such an emergency when we knew China had such a big problem the fact that we are not making arrangements for these people for a sealed quarantine that should be 30 days in the negative air environment and be blood tested several times remember we've already learned that 14 days is not long enough many patients do not show any symptoms at all until approximately the 27th day which is well over 14 days and remember the cruise ships use recirculated air so everybody on board that ship is in danger of catching this virus we need to bring these people into a land-based facility and put them into a sealed quarantine and give them the proper care the fact that the president doesn't want them here in the states is like basically putting them all to death I am sick of this President I am sick of his actions and quite frankly I am sick of the government policies in place the president doesn't want the numbers to go up what if his son or his wife or someone else was on board that ship that he knew what would his thoughts be then we can go over too country's and fight other people's Wars but we can't even take care of our own we can spend billions and trillions for the war but we can't make a facility for this Coronavirus it is absolutely wrong and ludicrous that we are not and the fact that we don't already have plans in action we should have been making a facility from the moment we found out China had a problem we should have already been mass-producing negative air Chambers and mass producing full body hazmat suits we should have already had labs setup and been going out to all the hospitals in training their lab employees how to properly test for this virus we should have already been making extra CT scanners and applying those two hospitals that needed them we act like the only way we could determine if person has the virus has to run it through the CDC but yet other countries are doing test in their own hospitals we know that negative air Chambers help keep the patient from spreading the virus and also helps protect the people taking care of the patient we should be employing all our healthcare workers with full body hazmat suits particularly those healthcare workers that have to take care of the positive patients and we could be putting those positive patients in a full body hazmat suit themselves for transportation we should have facilities set aside for this virus this is 2020 this isn't the 1800s we already know that AZT and HIV medications work very aggressively against this disease but the disease must be caught in time we could be running all these people through a simple CT scanner and that would reveal immediately if they have fluid in their lungs we can even detect if the virus is present by doing Simple blood test we do not need to use some special CDC kit to know if they have the virus we do not need to be sending everything through the CDC and waiting for them to take their time to send the results back from a special CDC lab this is just another control mechanism upon our government so why don't you step aside mr. President and confer with the doctors the CDC and the World Health Organization the people that know how to handle this you might know a lot about politics but you know nothing about being a doctor or a medical professional all hospitals should be able to fill out a list of things they may need and the government should be supplying everything needed this is a war against this virus we need to start treating it like one God Bless America and God bless the passengers on board the Grand Princess I pray they find Justice

  7. Trump and Pence need to board that ship and console the passengers with the virus. They might feel a little more comforted. 🤔

  8. this virus is very very dangrouse and easy spread,China have lock down the whole province to stop it,I have be stay at home in spring festival for 14 days,very boring..

    USA will be a big disaster if goverment did not face it carefully.H1N1 2009 infected 60m people in USA,12000 dead,this virus is 1-2% death rate if USA did not stop it ,that means 1m will died!If in one city 5000 case,20% go to hospital,whole medical system collaps and these patient can only stay at home seeking help from the god.

  9. As many as one cruise ship is rescued, all agencies will work together to converge the coronavirus and fight against the various diseases of human danger! In Japan, the public and private individuals and society as a whole keep order and calmly respond to the convergence of the coronavirus. Please encourage the media as well as the critics of the allies in the United States so that they do not become too uneasy. Let's do our best for a better universe ^-^

  10. At least he just gave real facts instead of making up his own, and he actually gave people straight answers instead of indignantly rebuffing them. So different from Trump. He may still be a dink, but at least he seems to have a brain. For now it seems like that anyway. He could ruin it.

  11. And Trump has made it clear that he DOES NOT want any of the sick people to leave the ship because he doesn't want them added to our numbers, because it will make us look bad. Pence will try to show that he is in charge and will bring these Americans ashore, but IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. As far as Trump is concerned, they all will remain and die on that ship, so his numbers don't look bad.

  12. 21 tested positive out of 46 Test kits used ( 45% ) . OMG 😥😥😥 😮😮 😯 This is much more serious than the case in Japan .
    Don't wait , abandon ship rightaway ……….

  13. Mike Pence is like Trump's lapdog.

  14. This is the second infected ship.. I thought they had more time to learn about this virus and how to conduct a cruise ship quarantine. It sounded like they knew exactly what to do or what not to do when they were criticising how Diamond P was handled.

  15. Didn't see that coming (sarcasm). I knew this would keep up. Next everything else. Trains, cabs, mail, door knobs, co workers, and politicians. Will spread this thing like grape jelly.

  16. it may be a little bit controversial but old prison like alcatraz can be renovated, cell door replace by sealed glass, can be used as quarantine centers or hospitals. Perfect structure for isolation.

  17. Those who criticized Japan’s handling of the Princess Diamond should understand things now.

  18. JAPAN is watching you ABC news☺️I’m sure your AMERICA could cope with this flawlessly..that we can learn from you; but of course you got huge lands; no problem setting all passengers free at once?

  19. Its 100% fatal. You may get it and only have mild symptoms, but it stays
    in your system like AIDS. Then wait and see what happens when
    you turn 90. Like a thief in the night. BAM!!! You pass away in your sleep

  20. Japanese doctors think that this virus have a power of infection in the closed and no exchanging air room. They insist that if people gathers such a space, Cluster Infection will happen.
    So we are asked to avoid such a places like a music live house and waiting room of hospital. We also asked to keep distance that each arms don't touch with wearing mask.

  21. 30% of the employees in my company came to work with coughing everyday now in Santa Clara, CA. Where has a lot confirmed patients. just I have no idea why the government still spreading info that”Low Risk”. That puts everyone in danger of the potential infection to uncontrollable condition. CDC needs to bring up more kits and test everyone who has symptoms to provide real number. Take action to help people who is sick to quarantine at hospital or something. NOT self-isolated! What do you want sick people to do for staying at home? this is continuing cross infection between patients to their families,families to community……

  22. 完了~

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