20 baby pandas make public debut l ABC News

20 baby pandas make public debut l ABC News

Twenty panda cubs make their public debut at a breeding base in southwest China ahead of the upcoming Spring Festival.

#ABCNews #BabyPandas #SpringFestival


44 thoughts on “20 baby pandas make public debut l ABC News

  1. Now it's time to teach them some Kung Fu!!! 🐼

  2. They are so adorable❤❤❤❤

  3. Good Morning. May God bless you comforting you from all sadness and angels help you. Job 42:5: "Before I knew you by hearing, but now I see you with my own eyes.' Jesus wants to reveal himself to you. To give you experiences with his love and compassion. His death on the cross is proof of this immense love. But He is risen. He is the way, the Truth and the life. Seek Him with all your heart and will find him. You are precious to God. Pray. Always read the bible. Jesus Christ will return. Greetings from Brazil.🙋🙏🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹

  4. 🤣🤣🤣no matter what kids will be kids. Just moving around acting silly.🥰

  5. People should let animals follow their hearts and instincts. It’s disgusting hoe much people change the life of every living thing for their own life. There should be rules that we follow that don’t harm our planet and environment… just leave animals alone it’s not difficult. You have your life, they have their right to life that’s why their here. Animals eat plants. Humans eat plants. We can survive without meat, after all, meat is not an everyday food.

  6. Paper cut outs ain't "MOVING BUT WE ARE 🐼" Happy Monday

  7. 🐼💙🌎🐼💙🌎🐼💙🌎🐼💙🌎🐼

  8. Cute! 😍

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