2 young men say they almost died from vaping l Nightline

2 young men say they almost died from vaping l Nightline

The men, ages 17 and 20, were both hospitalized for severe respiratory illness and placed on ventilators. Experts say the effects of vaping, especially on young people, are still largely unknown.

#ABCNews #Nightline #Vaping


33 thoughts on “2 young men say they almost died from vaping l Nightline

  1. Omg I am watching this and was interrupted by an alcohol ad…the irony. Time to give alcohol the same treatment, but these experts won’t because they probably drink alcohol. It’s called hypocrisy.

  2. I hope people know they sell ZERO NICOTINE!! Everyone keeps pushing the nicotine problem. I use ZERO NICOTINE. And many make their own juice, vape THC or vape something else weird. I'm tired of the bull….screw Phillip Morris!

  3. Yall needa put the real information out bc it’s the thc karts it’s have nothing to do with e cigarette or e juice

  4. It’s obviously illicit THC pods. News companies are cherry picking and spinning the news to slander against vaping. Sickening.

  5. You’re all defending vaping like if it’s healthy. I get that it can help a lot of people to quit smoking cigarettes but if you’re vaping all day everyday how is that not a new form of addiction. Even the act of smoking is addicting in itself. You need to be careful with the juul and not abuse it. Because next think you know it’ll be all you think about and you could be smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Just be careful.

  6. 5:46 CEO of Juul 😳😳😳

  7. I hate how everytime someone gets sick or dies and they just so happen to vape they’re like “it could potentially be connected to vaping” just stop talking about it unless you have the facts

  8. We smoked cigarettes and swisher sweets, leave the kids alone they are doing what every generation ever did, make sure the vape companies are providing a "safe" product compared to dip and cigarettes

  9. They keep saying they think vaping gave them lung disease but they give no evidence it wad vape just his word, he could have had a serious lung disease and just happened to also vape

  10. 8:18 / you're inhaling cimicals I can't spell so don't vape bc I'm dumb as hell and don't know how I even get a job like this😂

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