2 police officers turn themselves in, nearly 3 years after fatal shooting – Car Mod Pros Portal

In 2017, dash cam video showed Virginia officers Lucas Vinyard and Alejandro Amaya shoot 25-year-old Bijan Ghaisar’s vehicle, killing the motorist after he was rear-ended, officials say.


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “2 police officers turn themselves in, nearly 3 years after fatal shooting”
  1. not self defense, muder and total incomptence from the officers, but that is wha you get with the least trained and most armed police in the world
    US Average length of police academy = 18 weeks
    Euppean avarage of POLICE ACADEMY(COLLEGE) Is 120 wekks or 3 full school years giving them a bachelor in police work
    and they do not need to have any special additional traning for things they should have learned in weeks 19-120 meaning 99% of all the "after aceademy" special traning, like figuring someone with downs syndrom has down syndrome, and other very very basic things that anyone with more than 18 weeks would know.

  2. I really feel awful for the parents but the kid was totally at fault. You just never run away from the cops no matter what the situation is. He was also on drugs something his fans and parents DO NOT WANT TO DISCUSS. It's a cultural disease among Iranian families to cover everything and their honor (ABBRU) at all costs. What a shame for a bag of weed and a cheap pipe.
    He caused a high speed chase and ran off from a hit and run accident. You can never convince an Iranian family that their son is at fault.
    That's what really ticks me off !! And yes i am Iranian.

  3. See that's what wrong with country they got away the first time now you let them out on bail because of tjere blue life matter or just because there not guilty again after three years of investigation

  4. What's not being said here. Is behind closed doors these officers are told to kill if at all threatened. It's not departmental policy. But it is police union policy.

  5. 10 bullets? Pretty poor shooting considering they were only 4 ft away. But then they dont pay for bullets or for there action. Lets guese they get cleared of any wrongdoings

  6. Why did the driver leave the scene of an accident he supposedly wasn’t at fault for? Why did he continue to try to evade the police? Why is it considered reckless for the cops to shoot a suspect that is attempting to run them over? I’m tellin ya, I’m glad I’m not a cop. The pay, benefits, and pensions are certainly not worth everything they’re subject to.

  7. So i guess its now ok to run from officers AND try to run them over? No-one's EVER guilty except officers trying to do their jobs! Bullsh_t!

  8. Nothing gonna happend to these cops they are under police union they are gonna free .if they get in jail in few month a they will be out on street doing that again caus american dont have law for these bad apple to send them behind bars for life .they so confident what they doing caus they know they have the best father to take care of there killing innocent people called police union.

  9. It’s always “self defense” as they like to claim smdh.

  10. I guess some of just jumped the gun on this. These are charges against the officers not convictions. They will have their day in court so the jury can drop the charges against them.

  11. What did he, himself do wrong to be chased like prey? He was rear ended and left the scene before cops arrived… Did he have to stop for the police? Were there any traffic infractions? Were his tags OOD? Did he have a warrant for his arrest?

  12. So basically it had to come to a black man dying in a horrific manner on tape before certain actors in the justice system realized there was a problem with law enforcement in the U.S.?

  13. It took 3 years because the Federal investigation and Grand Jury hearings took 3 years. Why is that such a shock? Oh…I forgot, some people are only concerned about 'justice' if it involves anyone but the Police.

  14. 3yrs later.But ur gonna have people saying they were right..if u keep putting ur self in front of a car.. ur wrong.. police or not.. They were up to the bullshit and he didn't wanna go thru it.. So they did what they do best..Shoot.

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