2 people killed, 1 injured when small plane slams into NY home | ABC News

2 people killed, 1 injured when small plane slams into NY home | ABC News

The plane, which had three people aboard, slammed into the home and bursting into flames.

#ABCNews #PlaneCrash #NewYork


25 thoughts on “2 people killed, 1 injured when small plane slams into NY home | ABC News

  1. 🎄

  2. @leonaza7 like my uncle 2 days ago but he’s not dead

  3. Let’s get the names of those in the plane and home and start connecting the dots.

  4. I gave this a thumbs down because the sign at the beginning of the video indicates Oswego, but the reporter said Poughkeepsie. Oswego and Poughkeepsie are nowhere near each other, so, uh, where did it happen?
    (Later) Ok, I looked it up. The plane was headed for LaGrangeville and crashed in Union Vale, about 8 miles west of Poughkeepsie. The people in that house were very unlucky – it's not easy to hit a house in such a thinly built-up area.

  5. maintenance negligence…a gov't agency should be responsible in monitoring lightplanes maintenance and regular clearances should be a requirement before flying out…if they crash into the ocean or forest,that's less damage to people's lives and properties but when they crash into a residential area,where else is safe?…

  6. Defiantly alot of small planes going down lately. You're not even safe in your home. Is the problem pilot or mechanical? Time to review and get answers.

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