2 people dead, 3 officers injured in Texas shooting – Car Mod Pros Portal

The suspected gunman was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said.

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “2 people dead, 3 officers injured in Texas shooting”
  1. Why cops aren't joining in on banning AR-15 AND all other ASSULT rifles!? They are afraid of them too!! That's the reason that police are all living with having PTSD! BUT, still allowed to work at the same jobs that gave them this mental illness!! We are all screwed if Americans don't unite against the REAL enemies here, the big corporations!! They are the ones who would, in a heart beat, hire anyone who works for a lower wage or take their companies overseas for the cheaper labor, etc…it's not JUST bc Rs and many D's in Congress want and allow the bribery and corruption to continue…but it's who we choose to vote for as well…don't forget…research your state and local officials on which corporation is funding their election campaigns b4 deciding if you want to continue making America a Third World Oligarchy Govt!! It's knocking at our door with 1 foot in ALREADY PEOPLE!! PLEASE SNAP!! America NEEDS US to stand UNITED against those who care more about $$ than the rights and freedom of every working class American whose only asking for a wage to support our families with a little to start rebuilding our nest egg in case we still have a chance to have a decent future!! And don't forget enough to appreciate and recognize our hard work and it's ethics, at the end of the work week…the big corporations don't want anyone to know it's them that's ruining all of our lives…so they blame the "other side" people and are I guess hoping that guns in America…will get us to kill each other off!! They've already gambled off peoples pensions and such…don't allow them to turn us against each other!! I bet most of the people who read this comment, want the same thing too!! HELLO…??? WE THE PEOPLE!! UNITE AGAINST THOSE MONEY OBSESSED, GAMBLING ADDICTED, OLD WHITE MEN, who pretend to give a fat rats ass about their workers livelihoods and their families!!

  2. Acoustic spectrum and cancer it grows but yet you store data on the circulatory system with electrons is that the cause mri machine amd parrmagnetics

  3. Ten cops will watch thier kids die from leukemia soon lymphatic system and ultrasound fe iron lymphatic drip it's about timing people circulation

  4. Imagine being a kid who attended dare and you looked up to officers and respected they coach you to do the right things by reporting crimes …imagine being called sick 20 years later cause a cop doesn't understand blood pressure and ears frequency band now imagine the same cops who taught you to report crime ..ingore major crimes against an American family who lived in the town were this is being conducted for 30 year because they want to intimidate they want you to leave that town

  5. Explain why I have to hear they are shooting cops in the face over and over in my head from kensisis explain now or else explain why I have a system attached yo my theta waves

  6. I want an answer to why I hear synthesizer in my head telling me you going kill ..me frame me and blame me for I have -200sound amplifier and am ready killing your cops kids 😤 5 years non stop for you damage theta wave I kill you jew dentist they better turn off this audio soon cause if you don't I will bomb 40 schools in series

  7. I want an answer to why I hear synthesizer in my head telling me you going kill ..me frame me and blame me for I have -200sound amplifier and am ready killing your cops kids 😤 5 years non stop for you damage theta wave I kill you jew dentist they better turn off this audio soon cause if you don't I will bomb 40 schools in series

  8. yeah.. that’s the crap fest that is our country..

    Starts with a shooting and people die. Then prayer and moments of silence. Talks of gun reform are pushed to the side to focus on “prayer”. People get angry and yell that we need a gun reform, which we won’t get because now is time to “come together”. After the time passed they don’t wanna do anything or say more guns! “Guns don’t kill people” “we need a hood guy with a gun”

    We really need something.. real work done, because what we are doing now.. it isn’t working. In AA the first step is knowing you have a problem. It’s time to admit we have a gun problem. If you say we dont.. then I have to say.. why won’t you wake up, and look at the carnage around you.

    REPORTING criminal activity to the police will land the callers in court, with a criminal charge, and flat broke: (Maybe even jail)
    All callers reporting criminal activity will receive a ticket (Criminal Offense) and court date through the mail for falsely reporting crimes transferring the legal burden of proof and legal costs upon unsuspecting callers! (Police don't want to be bothered!)
    Oakland County Sheriff Deputy MATT MATCHETT #2366 and Wayne County DPD Gerald Beckem #3798 are obsessed with this dishonorable evil ploy of forcing innocent taxpayers to act as state prosecutors!
    CAVEAT: (Police serve and protect the state, not the people!)
    – Michael B. Saari for State Senate 2022

  10. Thanks republicans for keeping killers with guns. Hope you enjoy the carnage.
    "Prayers & our hearts go out to family & friends…" WILL NOT BRING BACK NOT EVEN 1 OF THE DEAD BACK TO LIFE!!!

  11. Citizens MUST carry weapons with them wherever they go now. With liberal Democrats defunding police across America were on our own! ❤️🙏

  12. "And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
    And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
    The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 
    Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." (REVELATION 20:12-15 NKJV)

    Today, while you are still alive and able, may you repent from your sins, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior, so that through Him, your name will be written in the Book of Life.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in Him 
    should not perish but have everlasting life.
    For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (JOHN 3:16-17 NKJV)

    By God's GRACE, the gift of Salvation and Eternal Life is available to all. You can RECEIVE it. You can REJECT it. May you choose wisely.

  13. Abolish the second amendment. Turn your guns into police for destruction. If you have never applied for a hunting license, you should not be allowed to own a firearm .

  14. Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  15. I’d like to say “I don’t even care what happens in Texas… they deserve whatever they get!” But I know that would be wrong. Besides it could be liberals that got killed 😢

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