2 GOP members of Congress to self-quarantine | WNT

2 GOP members of Congress to self-quarantine | WNT

Neither is showing symptoms but both came into contact with someone who has tested positive, and both later spent time with President Trump. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2wJXHvb

Two Republican members of Congress who interacted with President Donald Trump over the weekend announced Monday that they will voluntarily self-quarantine after discovering they interacted with a Conservative Political Action Conference attendee who tested positive for novel coronavirus.

In response to an inquiry by reporters, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement late Monday saying that the president has not been tested for the coronavirus.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Coronavirus #CPAC #Congress #ABCNews


47 thoughts on “2 GOP members of Congress to self-quarantine | WNT

  1. I used to think that love could cure anything but it only fed my narc's enormous ego. It is important to be wise when dealing with a narcissist and I’m glad that cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my wife’ phone. I got access to all her dealings both on phone and social media without touching her phone. I’m here in Nevada USA and able to access my wife’s phone with a cloned app even while she was away in the UK and cheating on me. All I did was share my wife’s phone number with Cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both her new and deleted messages from my phone through a remote link to a programmed app containing cloned cell information without having to touch her phone. My wife was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad to find out all her secrets and infidelity with the help of cyberhackinggenius. I’m finally going through divorce with lots of evidence against her. I read all her deleted and recent chats on Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and thank me later!

  2. Republicans thinks it’s a joke Vote Blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  3. Says bogus who held American paychecks hostage for a lame wall…. Americans won’t miss a paycheck…😂🤣

  4. I'm telling Putin🤤

  5. Lol…Trump helping people with income 🤣🖕
    Who's the communist now 😆?

  6. Let us all self- quarantine and get paid for it.
    Why do we pay these incompetent fools?
    People, please vote them out.
    Give the jobs to capable adults who care about their constituents.
    It's time for "we the people" to say STOP!

  7. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. okay how many times have we seen this President lie they just lied last week about the test kit now he's up at timber what he's going to do for families is that a lie to me just want to be on TV

  9. LOL, I love how everyone is trying to act like only GOP members and Republican constituents are at risk of contracting and passing on the virus. I've seen them going so far as to say they should be worried Republican voters won't show up to vote yet say nothing for all the Democrat campaigning, town halls, debates, rallies or voting poles. No matter which side of the isle your on, we should ALL be demanding MSM provide complete and fair coverage. That's why it was created. As voting is our country's self governance, the media is to provide facts and perspectives from both sides so the voters are fully informed and THEY can choose which perspectives they believe and/or agree with. This "news" coverage is once again a disgrace!

  10. LOL, I love how everyone is trying to act like only GOP members and Republican constituents are at risk of contracting and passing on the virus. I've seen them going so far as to say they should be worried Republican voters won't show up to vote yet say nothing for all the Democrat campaigning, town halls, debates, rallies or voting poles. No matter which side of the isle your on, we should ALL be demanding MSM provide complete and fair coverage. That's why it was created. As voting is our country's self governance, the media is to provide facts and perspectives from both sides so the voters are fully informed and THEY can choose which perspectives they believe and/or agree with. This "news" coverage us once again a disgrace!

  11. They are 4 positive cases connected to port everglades in ft Lauderdale Florida. That's where the Covid19 Speader came in from one of the princess cruise ships. Pence was there recently with Desantis declared it state of emegency and others. Palm beach county has cases. Florida State House for rep was Sanitized because a personnel is tested positive for the virus.

  12. So Matt Gaetz is quarantine the irony. Wait wasn't trump grabbing women by the 🐱

  13. Funny… So NOW they believe in science?!?!

    Straight up idiots. Ugh.

    And how nice for them, with their great health care and jobs that allow them to quarantine. themselves.


  14. Hmmmm let's see if KARMA comes knocking there doors ? 🤔

  15. We could get them to lower the price of insulin to or coronavirus will be a blessing! OH! That's right! Insulins made in the EU Denmark? Unless they contract out to China too!😒😷

  16. If they haven't shown symptoms in two weeks from being exposed,they don't have the virus, Trump won't get I've never seen him in all his speeches ever touch his face,he is a huge germaphobe ,he has lots of hand sanitizer and uses good hygiene ,ask any of his staff at the WH or his kitchen staff,he only likes one chef to plate his food or he will do it himself or go threw drive through ,he thinks someone going to try and poison him

  17. Matt Gatez is an absolute idiot and justifies why the rest of the country thinks the majority of Floridians are idiots. Only in Florida could such a clown like him get elected.

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