2 children dead in crash with stolen police SUV | ABC News

2 children dead in crash with stolen police SUV | ABC News

Police in Dayton, Ohio, say a man allegedly fled the scene of a stabbing before getting into a police SUV and crashing it into a van carrying seven children.

#ABCNews #Police #CarCrash #Dayton #Ohio


22 thoughts on “2 children dead in crash with stolen police SUV | ABC News

  1. The great serial killer is the American is police they prefers 10 deaths Innocent victim than abandon a car chase for a minor violation of a road code somebody in drug never stop kill him self or himself and other


  3. In this case I would’ve been all for the police shooting the suspect

  4. My God! 😢🙏🏽

  5. That fat ass cop appeared to do very little in response to the situation. He was backing away before the suspect even took off. Great job securing a stabbing suspect officer candyass. WTF?

  6. Lies. Keep up the stupid emergency responder drills.
    YA… The FEW know exactly what YOU are doing.
    Save it for the sleeping human zombies who believe EVERYTHING you sell. 🖕

  7. What the hell is wrong that officer for not pulling out his gun and shooting that bastard when he knew damn well that car was speeding off!? When you got a nut like that stealing cruisers it's go time! People today, I swear they've got no sense!

  8. America, what a joke of a country, the developed country that has the most innocennt deaths in the world because stupiidity and selfishness are worshipped. Who needs war to kill Americans when there are enough American psychopaths, idiots, criminals, druggies and selfish politicians killing Americans everyday. If only the cop had shot the suspect the minute he was resisting arrest, 2 innocent children would haven't been killed.

  9. I'm amazed he didn't fear for his life. Standing inside the door frame was a death trap. If the suspect didn't have a weapon why didn't he jump in the vehicle with him and at least struggle to get the key or if it used a key fob press the button to turn it off? where were the backup cops, why wasn't one on the driver's side door pulling him out? None of this makes any sense and unfortunately 10 people are seriously injured with 2 children dead. In this case it would've been justified to use deadly force as the vehicle is a weapon of mass destruction. btw, going forward is a lot faster than reversing how was dude able to get away reversing or even able to make a turn around with another cop car chasing him yet no maneuvers like pitting or ramming the vehicle to make it stop he was able to get away for 5 miles within 10 minutes???🤔🙄. Tragic. Just tragic!😪😢😭

  10. If there wasn’t such an immense pressure against police officers authority to utilize deadly force, that officer probably wouldn’t have opted for his taser but instead used his service issue to neutralize the threat and prevent the subsequent tragedy that befell those poor children. He would have been totally justified but his reluctance stemmed, I’ll bet my paycheck, from the thought that he would be vilified for his actions.

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