1st glimpse inside a meatpacking plant as work continues despite coronavirus | WNT

1st glimpse inside a meatpacking plant as work continues despite coronavirus | WNT

Across the U.S., there are more than 6,500 meatpacking workers infected with COVID-19 and the virus has killed at least 20.




#WorldNewsTonight #MeatpackingPlant #Covid19


46 thoughts on “1st glimpse inside a meatpacking plant as work continues despite coronavirus | WNT

  1. Go back to Mexico maybe it’s safer there.

  2. CBS does it again. Putting fear in people 😩


  4. the paper stating theyre doing what they should be is just that -a piece of paper.What is actually being done is nowhere near what they are told to do.This is every where. And why arent they (workers) wearing PPE even without CoVid19 they should wear mask and gloves – mostly in the "kill" areas as blood splatters=droplets = possible transmission of diseases from animal to human.

  5. Hard working America’s I love them

  6. PEOPLE BITCHING THEY CANT WORK… PEOPLE BITCHING THEY don’t WANT TO GO TO WORK .. hmmm 🤔 well I guess we’ll all go go vegan and possibly the world will feel better not eating animals .. and maybe we will lose weight ..

  7. I’m not sure if this footage is new, ABC are not most trustable news, but I think people working with meat should wear gloves and face masks with or without cov-19

  8. This pandemic it’s not letting us escape ourselves from ourselves. It is emphasizing our dependencies and what we value the most.

  9. They're still protesting for a reason.
    Some bureaucrats are good at falsifying Documents and Narratives.

    And as they say:
    "If it isn't Documented, it (totally) didn't happen."

    Trust me. I've dealt with this Abuse and Red Tape before.

  10. it's all Trump's fault! reeeee 🙉

  11. Stay strong 💪 People💙🖤😎

  12. While my Grand Pa and my dad was overseas in WW2 Grand Ma had to use War Ration Books with Stamps to buy Meat back home in the U.S. I still have those stamps! Blue stamps for processed foods and Red stamps for meat. 64 red stamps each month providing 28 ounces of meat and 4 ounces of Cheese per week!! WAR IS HELL!

  13. Everybody is lost its up to you to make your choice an be wise if u no it's not safe to go out to work don't go follow your heart u are not blind don't follow what no leaders are saying they are not God ♥️

  14. Well I wish the news would stop lying to us but Here Comes the Pain drip-drip-drip some more information is going to drop and the news people are going to start getting arrested next drip-drip-drip there goes another news person see you guys

  15. Maybe we will stop eating meat for good you dont need it to be healthy…if u cant wat h your food being murdered and tortured then you shouldn't support it by eating it which only makes you sick…so this is all positive…keep closing them down!

  16. Why is nobody talking about the meat having corona we know it can spread from animal to human but I haven't heard one person say anything about that WHY?

    Ok ppl keep telling me cook it well …
    1) didn't it supposedly start at a meat market? where I would think the meat bought there was cooked
    2) personally to me it makes sense that every disease can't be cooked out mad cow,e-coli, and I'm sure there's more it's just I'm no expert on animal diseases but this is what common sense is telling me oh yeah 1 more thing the Spanish flu "they say was caused by a PIG"it supposedly jump species. I could keep going but won't I get tired of text on my phone.

  17. So go home. You’re supposed to do the jobs Americans don’t want to do, right…?

  18. Everyone has gone completely insane. This is not the apocalypse! Coronavirus is dangerous for the elderly (as are so many other diseases), but for most of us we'll just get a bad cold. The flu kills about a half million people a year.

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