151st national Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery | ABC News

151st national Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery | ABC News

Vice President Mike Pence takes place in annual ceremony.

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26 thoughts on “151st national Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery | ABC News

  1. As Kissinger said: Military men are "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy. I say they are either misguided humans or psychopaths and there is no reason whatsoever to honor neither.

  2. As Kissinger said: Military men are "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy. I say they are either misguided humans or psychopaths and there is no reason whatsoever to honor neither.

  3. The President of the United States is the highest military officer in our country. Its called " Commander in Chief" … doesnt matter when or how he, or anyone else serves the country. Not up to you to judge, and coming from people who take their rights and freedoms for granted in the first place. Your lack of respect is your own weakness. This "thank you for your service garbage, FUCK YOU! We serve the country, we don t serve people who disgrace this nation. If you come here to disgrace the Presidency on a military holiday, you should start packing your bags.

  4. AND OF COURSE, TRUMP DOESN'T SHOW UP ONCE AGAIN!!! What kind of President opts to chill in another country and play golf and touts about being a patriot and all about this country, BUT YET doesn't show up to honor those who have died for their country!!!? WHAT A DISGRACE OF A PRESIDENT!!!

  5. God bless all of those who fought for our country, Its a shame that soon America will be fighting a war with democrats to save us from unborn child murdering, Radical Islam defending, terrorist protecting, God hating democrats. Europe is losing its fight.

  6. I was there on Thursday to visit my father’s grave. Trump was there at the same time in section 60. Secret service everywhere. Was a great day. Love visiting my parents grave when I can.

  7. God bless the WWII survivors and their families for being there. Pence gave a great speech standing in for our great President Trump, who those of you who choose to hate, is necessarily overseas in Japan and Britain taking care of business that Pence can't.

  8. Anyone that served in the wars up to and including Vietnam, I salute you. Any of the war criminal rubes that have joined _post-Vietnam though, can fucking rot. S̶u̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶T̶r̶o̶o̶p̶s̶ Oppose the Dupes.

  9. Every TIME I see someone BEING called up for a special HONOR IT'S always some little old, White man that is alright with ME, BUT I am sure THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OF color THAT Deserve a special HONOR, But TO ME every one OF them THAT HAS served in A war,Gets Special HONOR FROM ME ,

  10. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? My president was not present?
    OMG. president dear, please pin that purple heart right back where it belongs, on the chest of the man who gave you his purple heart. And you never had anything wrong with those feet other that pointing backwards.
    God bless America and it's fallen heroes. God bless POW and MIA.

  11. Why is everyone here roasting on trump?the man paid his respect 4 days ago and he continues to do so throughout the whole year. What about you? Do you wait until Memorial Day to thank our fallen ones? Most Americans sadly take this day as a vacation day off work at a beach or a Lake and get drunk.did any of you guys even do a moment of remembrance? Stop being hypocrites and look for reasons that aren’t there to bash on trump. Talk about something else like his rudeness and savagery. But saying he doesn’t care about our military and our lost ones makes you completely ignorant. This day also goes to the families of the lost ones who truly remember them every….single…..day. -US VETERAN

  12. So glad to see our Vice President there to honor the fallen. Such a dignified and honorable man. God bless Vice President Pence and God less the uUnited States of America.

  13. I’m over these celebrations, especially when a lot of blacks didn’t even get the same praise while fighting for a country that’s still RACIST towards its black citizens as well.❌

  14. And this " Draft Dodger " Trump is in Japan instead of paying tribute to our fallen soldiers whom he has no respect for yet he calls out. Olin Kapernick for kneeling down during the Anthem ,

  15. Yes the president of United States should be there! But I’m happy he isn’t! He would only do something embarrassing and disgraceful to take the meaning out of the day. So I’m happy he’s out golfing.Beautiful ceremony. Sad day for the families. God bless you all.

  16. This is exciting ceremony for Memorial Day!I wish my friends well.on this day too!!!🇺🇸😊❤👍

  17. This is such a sad day in America when our President isn't in THIS COUNTRY on a day that he should be!! But no he's in Japan instead! Trump is so disrespectful about our national holidays it makes me sick! What does this say to our nations heroes? That their commander in chief doesn't give a shit about them! What about all our fallen heroes? He cares even less and proves it by his actions! So very sad but to all you that have served our nation I salute you! Thank you!

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