The latest cases of coronavirus were confirmed in San Benito, California, marking at least 11 in the U.S. as officials schedule another evacuation flight to get more Americans out of China.

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #China #Evacuation #Wuhan


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “11 confirmed US coronavirus cases, experts warn of pandemic | ABC News”
  1. all lies lies lies from mainstream lying media. Show me the proof the virus exists! There is none. Germ theory is another hoax which says that viruses are not what we think they are. They certainly aren't contagious.

    My name is Doctor Kamiri from the United state. I was infected with the herpes virus. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break but getting rid of it completely cure to 100% negative for ever. Get natural herbal cure from Doctor Mohammed Herbal Home, the best all over the world. I recommend it to you. I was absolutely negative today after the usage of the herbal medicine for 4 weeks. reach him through his Email:  WHATSAPP/CALL +2349036036397. facebook page   ……………..

  3. “the virus is not spreading in the US” 5 months later… 3.6 million cases and almost 140,000 deaths.

  4. Wow! 11 cases, after 5 months, I watched this video. Now the US has more than 3 million cases. Thanks to an incompetent government.

  5. I’m sitting here looking at the date surprised this was 2 months ago 🤦🏾‍♀️

  6. May Allah azzwajal destroy you all Ameen inshaAllah because I lost everything because of the American military they dropped bomb next our house and killed all my family we had nothing to do with war but now ask god to destroy you all Ameen inshaAllah

  7. You should be a shame of yourselves for spreading hysteria. There are more deaths with the flu than with the Coronavirus. And why don't you report the people that have survived this virus?
    The Chinese doctor who first report this virus didn't die from the virus he died in the hands of his government. Look back at ABC's 20/20 Coronavirus special footage and look deep into his eyes….his eyes are not that of a sick man, but of a frightened man. I say he was pinned to a bed with a surgical mask and tortured then killed for reporting about this virus.
    Again look back at ABC's 20/20 special report about this virus….there were two couples they followed on a cruise ship and both of the husbands end getting the virus. However, they both survived it and we're again reunited with their family. So, there are people who do survive. Getting the Coronavirus is NOT a death sentence.
    Shame on you for NOT being totally honest in your reporting.
    FAKE NEWS!!!

  8. There is no case without testing, and the American people have to bear a high testing fee if they are tested. Therefore, the average American will never test at all. This will inevitably make the number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the United States small. American flu has killed so many people, who can tell clearly how many of them died of new coronary pneumonia! The United States has been weakening the harm of the new crown virus. In addition to stabilizing their economy, the important thing is the new presidential election. They have to get votes on the street. They have to gather millions of people to build momentum! A bunch of businessmen and politicians in the Trump administration only have dollars and power in their hearts! Treating the virus has been concealing, passing, and passing, whether the new flu or the new virus Trump can't tell, and in order to gain political capital, it is shameless, the American people are sad!

  9. Absolutely it's spreading. As the Government is cover it up. It effected hundreds and many have it that don't realize it. Matter of time , will get worse

  10. Japanese government deliberately reduces coronavirus testing for fear of impact on the Olympics.

    The test will reveal that there are many patients.

    Actually, many people in Japan are complaining of unexplained pneumonia.

    But the government does not try to test.

    Japanese people are suffering very much because of government.

    Sorry for my poor English.

    But unless I tell this fact to the world, the Japanese government will not work.

  11. I can’t believe this is just two weeks ago, and look where we are now! ABC Nightly news (02/21/20) just reported the CDC says US pandemic likely. And it’s just work as usual, school as usual, travel etc etc. and everywhere i look it’s the “herd mentality” nobody wants to stand out or be thought of as “alarmist”. All of mainstream media buries the story to the 5th or 6th news story and spends about 2 seconds reporting on it. I keep reading in comments all over the web that officials are keeping it on the downlow because they’re being censored by the governments out of greed, and that may play a small part, but mostly I think it’s to keep panicked shopping, looting, people not going to work and the collapse of societal norms at bay for as long as possible. Scary times! Be Well!

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