10-year-old girl who was born without hands threw the first pitch at a baseball game

10-year-old girl who was born without hands threw the first pitch at a baseball game

Sara Hinsley, who also won an award for her ability to write cursive, said “things I can’t do, I try to figure out what way I could do it and try my best to make it work.”


37 thoughts on “10-year-old girl who was born without hands threw the first pitch at a baseball game

  1. God Bless this strong little girl. She is a shining lil star.☺️👼🙏👍👏💛

  2. 😂😂😂🤣🤣

  3. I really want to make a joke but that would be horrible yet again I’m a horrible person

  4. dont worry babe 90% of girls get easy desk jobs, now if she was a guy, he’d be ruined good luck finding any work if your a guy that cant do physical work.

  5. Giving a child a home and a family is the best thing a person can do and I have much admiration for a person that adopts rather than goes through IVF!! Nowt wrong with IVF…..but to give an existing soul a bright & happy future…..is God-like….to me!! 🧡💚💗

  6. I was having a stressful day till this lil girl melted my 💓

  7. As a father of a daughter who was said that she would not live past 2 weeks after she was born, I can appreciate this story more than most. This girl is an inspiration to parents like myself and children like her. God bless her.

  8. Amazing young lady! And adorable too! She brought good luck to the Orials! ⚾️⚾️⚾️

  9. After watching this, it will be terrible if I ever complain of anything. I am using my fingers to type this, now I feel blessed for typing. Something I used to take for granted. Thanks God for His endless blessings.

  10. Her thumbs saved her. Your thumbs help with grip. God only left her what’s important!

  11. Two handed guy here wondering how this little girl with no hands has better penmanship than myself. I mean way better🤦‍♂️

  12. Dang, she has better handwriting than me 😂😂😂

  13. The cursive is utterly insane. So is that English. 😲

  14. Everyone give her a hand👏👏👏👏👏 o wait

  15. She is amazing GOD bless her 😇🙏👍

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