10 Democratic candidates set to face off in 5th debate l ABC News

10 Democratic candidates set to face off in 5th debate l ABC News

The candidates will take the stage in Atlanta after the latest Iowa caucus poll showed Pete Buttigieg as a front-runner with Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden tied for second place. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2OodS6g

#ABCNews #DemDebate #Democrats #Candidates #2020Election #Politics


46 thoughts on “10 Democratic candidates set to face off in 5th debate l ABC News

  1. no American flag on stage? that's not good.  who are these people?

  2. How stupid could you possibly be to vote for somebody who claims they’ll give away money 😂😂😂💀 America can barely pay for better roads let alone give money away.

  3. wow so many clowns on one small stage!   reminds me of when all the clowns use to get into one car LOL

  4. Not a single one of these candidates has actually lived under the style of government they are proposing.
    The scary part is that even if they are elected and can turn the country into a socialist hell hole, they STILL will not be subject to socialism.
    Do as I say, not as I do is the norm for Democrats.

  5. I’m voting for Andrew yang. Yang is very smart and has really good policies and really wants to build a new future where people aren’t just numbers in the economy but rather human beings that are valued and loved. Andrew yang for president 2020.

  6. The "DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE" is violating AMENDMENT 1 of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION – "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS" by not granting FOX NEWS an opportunity to host one of their stinkin' so called debates!!! Tom Perez, that Anti-American Leftist Globalist, doesn't want to give Fox News the opportunity to ask his lousy Democrat Party candidates tough questions!!! That is UN-AMERICAN!!!

  7. First off I purposely don't have cable for lack of programming, so I listen to the debate, on tune in, IT WAS ELECTRIC, OUR WINNERS 🏆WERE ON THAT STAGE TODAY, whew…we'll see you in Milwaukee…WOW 2020

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