1 in custody in connection with suspected mail bomb campaign: Special Report

1 in custody in connection with suspected mail bomb campaign: Special Report

A suspect is in custody for a suspected mail bombing campaign that targeted top Democrats and other prominent figures across the country, officials said.

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23 thoughts on “1 in custody in connection with suspected mail bomb campaign: Special Report

  1. That does strike a fear to almost anyone that checks their mail, because amunition or explosive devices should not be used to attack people directly. I understand that no matter how many people are against the death penalty that it still gets used somehow.

  2. I look forward to DNC getting arrested for being behind this crime. It is obvious that these are bombs were not designed to explode when opened but explode at the ballot box. DNC are wanting sympathy to get numbers in parliament. If they get elected, they will cause havoc to the economy … just like their bombs are designed to do!

  3. Of course Dump has incited this behavior.your going to tell me political leaders can't incite fanatasism with their speech? Didn't Hitler do just that? And so many more? All it takes is some nut job to get all riled up

  4. Ha! I knew he would be exactly what he turned out to be. the first day all the repugnicans were hollering" false flag,the Dems are doing it to take attention from the migration going on,blah blah blah" well well well.looka there.a crazy ass dump.supporter.

  5. this is fake, I worked at one of the post office and nothing like that came through are mail, we have automated model detection and if any thing that look like a pipe bomb it get scanned and alarm goes off, nothing like that happen,plus those stamps never got stamp!!

  6. dems want to Blaim trump. but yet the pure hatred of the left is the problem. the liberal media started the hate before trump won the office. liberals are incompetent leaders and want to destroy this country.

  7. Bomber that had all his bombs .NOT! EXPLODE! 12 bombs! Didn’t explode?. I smell a Democrat. I know it’s said he was far right nut. But even the most basic nut knows how to make a bomb that works..

  8. This is a nwo libtard scheme to make look trump bad. No bombs have exploded. This gives the demotards momentum to hinder trump campaign. Pretty obvious and very very cheap tactic

  9. It always amazes me how FBI/law enforcement can catch criminals like this – it's even more amazing how quickly he was apprehended. To narrow down a single suspect from an anonymous package sent through the mail is truly like finding a needle in a haystack. Absolutely remarkable.

  10. My question is this day and age with our TECHNOLOGY how in the hill does 13 bomb packages fill with fake bombs gets past the post master ??? VERY FISHY.

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