Why Would Google Produce Its Own Phone? Standardization

Why Would Google Produce Its Own Phone? Standardization

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22 thoughts on “Why Would Google Produce Its Own Phone? Standardization

  1. Please please please Google, do it!!
    Premium phone, premium matérial, premium camera, the best looking phone, …, the BEST phone!

  2. What android needs is an API that would make it extremely easy to update. What I mean is: you have the OS [Android], then you have the phone (Phone), and finally you have the custom features {Physical Home Button}. So the (Phone) holds the {Custom Feature}, then [Android] then can be individually added per update. The only problem I see with this is the incompatibility this would form from the current version of android to my Idea.

  3. They just announced a Pixel Tablet, a Pixel phone seems next, also, creation of the software on specific hardware, can create superior performance. Having vertical control is always better.

  4. I know I'm over simplifying things but I always thought Google should manufacture it's own phone. I'm so ready for one. I like the Nexus but don't like it being manufactured by different companies…

  5. It is great idea to make your hardware which google was planning it when they bought motorola. They have failed in that attempt. Now they want to try it again. Making a hardware is different bowl game. I do not think it is google's mindset to invest in hardware. One must stick to job he knows best.

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