Why Android Falls Behind Apple Watch & Machine Learning – Android Weekly – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Jayce shares this week’s Android news


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Why Android Falls Behind Apple Watch & Machine Learning – Android Weekly”
  1. Next Samsung smartwatch, either Orbis or A, will be considerably different than all previous Samsung smartwatches..could be the best smartwatch of the year!

  2. I think it's pretty simple, Apple fan's are pure idiots. A lot of android users see how pointless these current smart watches are.

  3. In my experience, Apple people are the biggest dick riders in the tech world. They consider the name first – Apple, and functionality comes second. In a way, they are not buying a bragging right to an Apple gadget on their wrist.

  4. It's a brand, people buy the brand, not the product…. Two of the best smart watch companies LG and Motorola barely sell any phones, not many people know about them I guess.

  5. Not once did he say what the Apple Watch does better.  IMO it doesnt look better. So what is it Jayce.  I only see you whining about Android having a two year head start and not doing anything with it.  You seem to forgot.  People who buy Apple like all things Apple. I read on sites like this all the time that folks leave Android and go to the Iphone however I dont know that many folks who own an Iphone that have even owned an Android device at all ever.

  6. Apple sold a billon because of the fans that would buy anything that apple puts out. They are over price for what you get and that's a billon in sells. My coworker bought 2 Apple watches. I have a better things to do with a $1000, I could do the same thing with my phone.

  7. Why will i buy neither an android or apple watch? Because its a stupid invention thats way overpriced.nice try on getting some of my money though

  8. I expected this. I'm a Samsung fan but they gave been slacking, and I think Apple isn't gonna back out. Android wear needs to put their head back in the game.

  9. Apple.. Android… and… who?  So many users yet just two real choices (ok, plus a lame quarter point for Microsoft).  If there was was a true competitive market, what share would Apple have?

    The really important questions to ask about machine learning or AI in general is… how are we going to narrow the gap between commercial / government systems and open source / hobbyists?  This gap is getting bigger and we've only just began.  The power of influence and democracy is shifting in a very negative way.

  10. Dear Jayce. While I agree with most things you said it's not the manufacturers faults. You can't really claim that you could habe done more than Samsung or Motorola in the Smartwatch business. Espeially not Samsung. And about the perception in the consumers mind I partially agree but most consumers are stupid. Full stop. Sorry.

  11. Android needs better marketing. I see no commercial for android wear. Every other commercial is for the apple watch…. So now my mom thinks any watch with a screen is an apple watch. -_-

  12. The reason that the Apple Watch sells well, Apple is a master of marketing
    They know how to make old or inferior technology feel like the best thing. A good example is force touch. That's just the resistive touch screen technology with adjusted sensitivity and modified to work on glass. They are also very good at selling gimmicks, like the heart beat on the iWatch

  13. It´s simple. Millions of Apple users bought the watch because of their loyalty to the brand, despte if they didn´t need/like it very much.

  14. No offense but the apple watch sucks big donkey dick. You can't even compare a gear S to the apple watch, gear S blows it out of the water hands down. Once again, people just overpaying for a name brand. Sad.

  15. if we teach machines what to teach us then when the machines and robots take over the world we wouldn't get any smarter because we taught the machines. I had to say that and I don't know why.

  16. All these comments are stupid. Do you realize how many high end watches are in the market that people buy everyday (I.e. Rolex, Tag Huer). Everyone don't use a phone to tell time. Every successful person I know has a nice watch.

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