What’s inside the Snapdragon 855? – Gary Explains

What’s inside the Snapdragon 855? – Gary Explains

Qualcomm has released the details of the Kryo CPU, Adreno GPU, Spectra ISP and Hexagon DSP inside the new Snapdragon 855.

Snapdragon 855 deep dive: http://andauth.co/Snapdragon855

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26 thoughts on “What’s inside the Snapdragon 855? – Gary Explains

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    The Ruvol Inventor

  2. Best Android based videos on YouTube by far, Thank Gary for the time you take making your videos. 👌

  3. Why do the desktop processor needs heatsink/cooling system whereas mobile processor sharing the same frequency? Is it because of size of die or the design? Or does that mean the same mobile processor cant perform as much the desktop or laptop processor perform?

  4. hi all, so if i understood well….. basically every device that has a SNAPDRAGON 855 will also have a dual frenquency GPS and a WIFI 6 already enabled into it? is that correct? can someone confirm? thanks a lot. Hugs from Sydney

  5. If we run benchmark apps like Antutu will it damage the cpu of phone?
    I ran antutu on oneplus 7 having SDG 855 6gb ram got score around 367000, i noticed the phone got heated during the test.

  6. The press release in video form with a fat bespectacled male jumping around. Not my sort of entertainment, but whatever floats your boat. As for information: zero. Nothing extra over the press release. And if there will be some corrections, they won't be in this video.

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  8. We need open cpu like rics v 😊

  9. You can’t watch 4K video back on your phone because phone don’t have 4K hdr screens.

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