What Google Pixel phone should you buy in 2020? Let’s compare.

What Google Pixel phone should you buy in 2020? Let’s compare.

What’s the best Pixel in 2020?
Buy the Pixel 5: https://andauth.co/Pixel5-O

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42 thoughts on “What Google Pixel phone should you buy in 2020? Let’s compare.

  1. Hey all! Apologies on the weird audio! Was testing a new mic and haven’t quite dialed it in.

    Hope you guys enjoyed regardless!

  2. Question: If you have a 5G phone, can the phone still run 4G even if you don’t have 5G around you?

  3. Google dropped the ball with the Pixel 5 in my opinion. Will the average person see the difference in processing power? Not likely, but for 700$ they could of even put last year's Snapdragon 855 in it and people would of been happy.

  4. Business Opportunity in Ruvol

    I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.”

    It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.”

    The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.” In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.” It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,” where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized” to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game” has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.


    I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqth0m3-R0


    It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.

    You may contact me at: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com.

    Thanks and God bless!


    The Ruvol Inventor

  5. 👎👎👎

  6. I am one of the many people who bought a Pixel 2, only for it to be sabotaged by Google rendering its camera useless after an Android update, to force obsolescence.

    Every phone manufacturer have a level of dishonesty in how they do business (e.g. substandard battery, performance throttling, infamous iPhone camera grain); wanting you to buy a phone annually for no good reason is at the least, greedy.

    What Google did with the Pixel 2 though? Greedy, but also is just straight up criminal.

  7. Should I wait for next pixel maybe 6? Or just go for 4a 5g? I heard 6 will be out around October so don't know what to do as need a phone urgently! And 4a 5g looks awesome! Thanks

  8. Are Google Pixel phones the best android phone? I mean, google designed their own software and hardware so I assume that their phones will have the longest support and best app optimizations unlike other androids. Is that the case? I just want to know because I don't want to spend huge amount of money to a device that will only last for less than 4 years.

  9. My salary is approximately $142. I'm looking for the cheapest Pixel that's worth my money so I can save for it. Any other old phone with a very good camera is also welcome. It doesn't have to have a camera as good as the pixels though.

  10. Hey! Does pixel 4a5g feel much bigger than regular 4a??

    I want to buy a compact phone, but as far as I understand pixel 4a5g has much better audio speakers and also wide angle camera which is really nice to have.

  11. Still loving my Pixel 3XL…Considering the 4XL as it has a superior processor, build and display to the rest. I can live with 6gigs of ram as the 8 gigs on the 5 is cancelled out by the inferior processor…yep, that would be the best choice.

  12. ❤️ Ok

  13. Pixel 4a $300 phone …. , meanwhile in Canada $479 ☹️

  14. Would've gone with the pixel 5. If it had a headphone jack.
    TWS earphones are hella expensive and $20-25 wired earphones still sound wayyy better than almost any $60-80 bluetooth buds. Also, all the sub $100 bluetooth earbuds have latency issues which completely breaks any immersion while gaming or watching a movie. #bring3o5back

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