Our very own editor Nate Swanner and YouTube reviewer Joshua Vergara have made their way over to San Francisco for the Google I/O conference! Stay tuned over the next few days for all of the news and craziness!
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yeah, what the fuck are you saying?
josh is good,
the other guy… keep on practicing
Sorry but you're wrong, Google talk still exists, and will coexists with the new messaging system.
start @ 5:00
Hmm lets see what apple brought out for ios 6: an extra row of icons plus a few improvements
Google however, will bring a new music service, a compellty redesigned messenging service, google glass upgrades, and Android 4.3 (which will be at worse like ios 6 in terms of improvements but could have even more features).
What Google is doing is far beyond ios 6 lol.
my signature move is slapping you in the face =)
Nate! What up nigga
Isn't Key Line Pie getting revealed today?
beyond jealous…
Please please a new gen Nexus 7 with improved specs 🙂 like a full hd ips screen with Gorilla Glass, a newer and better cpu/gpu..and yes that's pretty much it, nothing else.
Hey we're you're fans what's going on Joshua Vargara?
If I was, money would be spent.
Hey Guys this Joshua Vergara (Hands Praying Position) from Android Authority (Salute like John Cena) what's going on everybody?
Ya i will be there one day maybe i will be the CEO.. 😉
Oh yeah!!!!!
oh yeah!!
MAN, THAT'S HOLO EVERYWHERE. One day, I will be there! I will! 😛
he is pretty awesome 🙂
We are here at Google I/O 2013!
Our very own editor @Nate Swanner and YouTube reviewer @***** have made their way over to San Francisco for the Google I/O conference! Stay tuned over the next few days for all of the news and craziness!
Are you excited as us about Google IO?
#io13 ÂÂÂÂÂ
Joshua Vergara may be my favorite tech reviewer on youtube right now
Joshua Vergara, you are the best..so much fun to watch…