Phil gets a look at Ubuntu for Android at Mobile World Congress
Ubuntu for Android at MWC –

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They say that this is expected to come pre installed In many phones releasing at the start of 2014…so we can.just hope that major companies like Samsung, Sony, HTC etc…adopt this for there flagships….just hope that it comes pre installed on Samsung GS5!!!!!
If they are going to do this then canonical should be a good company and join the open handset alliance.
Cant wait for this, hope it works on SGS3 😀
(technically it should)
Is the only available for certain smartphone or can I play with my future Google Nexus 7 Ubuntu?
I just wonder how much they will be selling the fking docking station, that's the key Peripheral !
like the moto atrix or all high end motorola'
so is this on a atrix/razr only because nexus or all the other phone dont have that dock
2:17 Powerpoint 2010
woooahouuuuu !
MS and Apple are going DOWN!
@HenrikPW It's running though a networked thin client. This is a common solution for enterprises, they export the OS to a central server to reduce operating costs.
0:07 Did he say Derp? LOL
0:27 Excel?
which application was used to host the microsoft office in the cloud?
qual aplicação foi usada para hospedar o escritorio da microsoft na nuvem?
Could you run Ubuntu Apps directly on your Phone, I mean not just if it is docked?
@profetik777 pero osea es un video acerca de Ubuntu y la integracion con Android no acerca de "miraaa corre Office omg oh woww" /:
@profetik777 mmmm en el mio si corre bien… aunque la verdad casi ni lo uso hahaha. También afecta la versión que tengas de wine  creo que en las repos oficiales solo esta Wine 1.2. Tengo Wine 1.4-rc2 (instalada de una PPA).
Acerca de lo de Windows, creo que lo estan haciendo por Remote Desktop Services. Viene incluido con Windows Server 2008 R2 (y con versiones anteriores con el nombre de Terminal Services.)
@mikel4v office no corre bien en wine…especialmente powerpoint…en serio?
can someone help me get this going by giving me links to how to get this for personal use (thin client part running windows office)
@Bolaocho008 no prestaste atención o no entendiste? Es Office en un servidor de Windows 7, simplemente esta siendo accedido por Ubuntu. Eso ya se puede hacer ahora, pero lo estaban enfatizando debido a que el mercado al que quieren llegar es a oficinas y empresas. Y en todo caso, Office corre muy bien en Wine.
i really want to be able to have ms office on ubuntu….wine is too buggy. can someone please message me to help me set that up!
Microsoft Office en Ubuntu! =)
Gogo Ubuntu, cool! Want! 🙂
do the sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng 😉
does anyone know whether "Ubuntu for Android" will run on a device like galaxy s2 or not?
It's cool!
@luishgtube Of course it will. I still use apt-get, but I'm just an oldie. Ubuntu is pushing the future of computing. It won't be long, before MS / Apple say they created this when we know they didn't.
@vindowswista Are you fucking serious? Dude, have you even used Ubuntu before? Ubuntu for Android is a WHOLE new revolution. It's 2 seperate OS's on one device. Both are running at the same time. It's just Ubuntu Precise Pagolin, with some redesigned code to be able to work with Android. THIS IS THE FUTURE MY FRIEND!
Bad ass, thank you android central
@luishgtube Open 5 tabs in chrome + top and you have much more information in seconds
Techcrunch, the official video, and other sources have the same information: How to view your contacts or a local picture…
@grgarjen Correct
@EpicSquare Thats next year 🙂
@porky247 Ubuntu don't make hardware………YET!!
@vindowswista Air Droid is a web application that allows someone to use another computer to view contacts, move files and send sms, with limited functionallity. Ubuntu for Android is 2 operatining system in one phone that allows you to use the phone a desktop running a full Ubuntu OS as a phone. The Desktop lump of plastic is so 1980s. Ubuntu for Android is a revolution. Its the FUTURE.
Ubuntu is not an APP!!!! bloody hell dude read some more yeah!!!
@sensory Watch this Space, is all I will say. 🙂
@D9E4K Motorola Atrix 2
@luishgtube because everyone knows Ubuntu can open web pages and run youtube videos fawlessly. The video is selling Ubuntu for Android. They did demo Office in the cloud thats the internet. Is this demo not good enough ??
I have been using webtop for sometime now and it is very useful. This is webtop without limitations. The main point they forgot to mention is a full internet browser. Now it won't be limited to motorola phones if you want to do this. Im surprised motorola didnt buy them out.
@erwin1218 it is not like citrix. Citrix is a remote desktop. This is native, all running from the phone.
its like citrix for android
The Windows applications are run through Xen?
@vindowswista but for android you have to have a pc or laptop, it isn't enough to dock your android phone and airdroid isn't able of running android apps on big screen