Trump’s Immigration Ban: What does it mean for the Tech World – Car Mod Pros Portal

Jayce talks about what President Trump’s immigration ban means for the tech world.



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By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Trump’s Immigration Ban: What does it mean for the Tech World”
  1. I will monitor this for a few days. Please keep the comments civil. If you choose to be stupid and start name calling, you will be banned. (Yes, I see the irony) =P (JB)

  2. Business Opportunity in Ruvol

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    The Ruvol Inventor

  3. I think the bigger question is why are none of these supposedly liberal companies helping American schools develop programs that will help students in America (of all backgrounds) get these tech jobs so the companies won't be so reliant on foreign workers to do the work.

  4. I guess you can nickname things to be what you want it to sound but it looks bad on you.
    Demonizing by claiming it to be a ban on immigration and not that of any entry can easily make this seem like a foolish step without reason, but it will NOT address the situation as a more serious one in which matters have had actually more serious steps taken.
    Afterall, the nations under this IMMIGRATION BAN? are the same nations that the Dept of Homeland Security of the Obama administration named as exceptional security risks in 2015 and in 2016 . A few days ago a SEAL was killed in Yemen and it was NOT because of an IMMIGRATION BAN.

  5. Look at it this way.. Is talent really lacking in America that they need talent from other countries? I don't think this is all about security only. How many Americans are jobless right now? Has any of you checked? The talents you are getting and paying overseas are getting these jobs that could have been theirs. Again, Are there really no talents in America? I remember the days when people look for items "Made in the USA". Don't you want your people to benefit from these. That's one of the reasons why China is so rich right now. You are paying them to be rich, and what did they do? They steal you Intellectual Property and called it their own. I'm not American, I even live in a 3rd world country. But the same is happening right here where the highest paying jobs are given to Expats. We have the talent, but why are they the ones profiting. Just my 2 cents….

  6. Looks funny,how could trump get elected if everyone hates him?He put up with this intention before the election,seems that the one who likes the Ban are much more than the one who doesn't,so they vote for him and they won't be banned LOL. tech channel?you are not any longer

  7. sucks but he is right we dont have intelligent people in our country. look at Trump supporters. thinking the affordable care act is not Obama care.

  8. You are ridicolous. How many people from Yemen, Sudan, Libia, Syria work in tech companies? Very few: Silicon Valley employees are almost entirely WASPs and Asian people or from Eastern Europe.

  9. It's funny how all those Trump haters say Trump is for corporations, yet all those corporations hate him. The corporations obviously want more illegal immigrants since they want cheap labor for their business.

  10. I wander how many employees from those countries those companies have. Then we will know if its a mater of economy or politics

  11. For one, Trump loves your country. ISIS was created by America and Trump knows that. He wants to remove the threat on his administration to protect the people of America. You know what's the problem? Media. They spread lies and overly exaggerated news that make stupid people believe in them. Guys, be vigilant. You do not know your true enemy so do not simply point Trump as your enemy as he is just protecting you. Terrorism is wide spreading so please be careful.

  12. "Countries like Egypt where terrorists have come from in the past". This is NOT CORRECT, every week or two a dozen of our Egyptian soldiers are killed by ISIS in Sinai. and almost all the Egyptians hate ISIS as much as any normal person in the world would hate them.
    Also some comments are like "Because Egypt has oil", we are a poor country and we don`t produce oil as SA do
    So please don`t call us terrorists unless you are 100% sure about what are you talking about

  13. What does it mean for the Tech world ? Talented indian programmers and developers don't need to to full time job salary less than a truck driver.

  14. Why aren't these companies hiring Americans to join these companies there are many people with degrees that deserve these jobs I blame these companies who choose political sides therefore have a following of one side or another and if they don't please this certain side then they lose money stop taking sides companies

  15. haha Android authority is now talking poltics. I'm now downing you bro I always thought Android Authority it was based on phones and caught me off guard that is all.

  16. I could not finish watching the video because I am living in a state of depression re: former POTUS Reagan's perspective about the difference between a recession and a depression.  Yes I am approaching four-(4) years of unemployment of which the sad depressed date is May 17, 2017 – yes, I have been unemployed from May 17, 2013 until present day and counting.  I do not qualify for any program.  I will say it again, I DO NOT QUALIFY FOR ANY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FROM THE FED TO THE SLED AGENCIES!  I don't see any hope because that was taken away from when the USA changed course under former POTUS OBAMA.  I must be an anomaly because I possess a B.S. Industrial Engineering Technology degree, minor in Electronics Engineering Technology, I worked in the information technology consulting industry for many years.  I served in a USAR Field Artillery Services Battery while in the ROTC under the SMP and I was commissioned as a Signal Corps Officer, essentially I see it as three-(3) years of training – I did not get active duty assignments – thanks to the old Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act of 1985.  I jumped at the opportunity to build a 3D printer [open source Graber-Prusa i3], I have been learning about both 3D Printing and the AM industry, I have been learning about non-profits and I have been learning about building a business.  I am not giving up, so if you want to help me obtain gainful employment please contact me via YouTube or visit my MeetUp Group

  17. So you mean to say there is no qualified tech candidates left who are US citizens? If the candidate is soooooo sooooooo amazing it's it worth paying that $130,000? Why don't we give chance on Americans? What's wrong with training and investing in US talent? Please reply

  18. It means that the tech industry will have to stop importing people and invest in US citizens like they should have been doing all along. Heaven forbid we call tech support and get an american that knows what the hell they are doing rather than a guy who claims his name is Bob yet has an unintelligible indian accent and doesn't know a damn thing.

  19. +Android Authority this wont impact businesses in USA. He hasn't banned ppl from India or other Asian countries i.e Japan, Korea etc. The skills mostly come from those countries & a few European countries.

  20. I find it worrying that the liberals/democrats havent accepted the outcome of the election. B4 the election results were released the Democrats said they wud accept the outcome cos they were convinced crooked Hilary would win.

    If the republicans lost. They wouldnt have gone to extremes of protesting and burning shit down.

    Accept the outcome. Use the court system if you have to, there r checks and balances.

    Trump cant completely change everything

  21. the reason theres no talent in america is Bc americans are lazy. they dont wanna Study neither work hard to become someone in the future, they only want money without having to work for it. they even go to fast food daily to avoid cooking at home, then they blame the Mexican for "stealing their Jobs" lol Well if you get up and And stop complaining and actually look for a job this wouldn't happen. IMO

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