T-Mobile Vibrant hands-on

T-Mobile Vibrant hands-on

Phil goes hands-on with the T-Mobile Vibrant, the carrier’s version of the Samsung Galaxy S.


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9 thoughts on “T-Mobile Vibrant hands-on

  1. I'll be getting this phone as an upgrade from my old G1, which I love. T-mobile has been great to me, and I can be too much of a pain at times, but I've been well pleased with the service and especially the customer service.

  2. @beautifulgooal you are correct. The signal, service, and plans are great. But where is that "BAD ASS" phone to go with it? by the way what kind of phone do you have?

  3. @beautifulgooal thats not enough, is my point. Who on another carrier will leave their carrier and run to T-mobile for this phone? Not a single person would. You want to know why? Because other carriers can match and even top this phone like nothing. You read about it all the time, T-mobile this and T-mobile that, blah, blah, blah, people want something new, big specs, and a T-mobile only phone.

  4. good looking phone for t-mobile. Just wished they could have something of thier own, like every other carrier has. Thought this would be it, but it looks like 3 other carriers are also getting this phone. Oh well it will be worth getting if it gets updated, unlike the behold. Hope those who get it are happy, if the reviews are strong, I just might be one of those people.

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