Sony has brought their flagship smartphone to Verizon, bolstering their US presence. This is the Sony Xperia Z3v.
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now 50 % off
so getting this phone.
Verizon got played.
Just another reason to dislike Verizon.ÂÂÂÂÂ
Got this yesterday and its really not that bad. I dont know why people get so upset over the verizon logo, it doesnt look too bad on this phone. The size feels very solid in hand and is pretty much a perfect screen size. Thickness helps it grip better. Stereo speaker quality is excellent, compared it to the One M8 in store and its very close. Screen is brighter than all other phones in the store including the new Note which I was considering getting before besides maybe the iPhone and its just as bright as the One M8. Battery life is absolutely stellar and the camera is great, put a 64GB micro SD card in to expand storage. Its really not bad, I love it so far. Have had several androids and my last phone was an iphone 5 but this just feels more solid.
CNET review says the Verizon modifications ruin the Z3's call audio and speakerphone quality, which would likely worsen further with a case. Concern echoed elsewhere. Idiotic mods just to accommodate the Verizon tramp stamp.
They should have not changed the design. I was awaiting this phone becoming available and now I'm going to look for something else.
Where's the full review Josh!?
hmmm.. who's holding the camera?
Why do they have to change it!!!!!!
also i may be the only one but i like the more boxy edge designÂÂÂÂÂ
i need disÂÂÂÂÂ
If they are going to sell a rebranded z2 they should price it like the z2.  Not price it like the z3.
This is a fucking disgrace. This z3v is the z3 EXCEPT without the upgraded speakers, camera, display etc and sold basically as a overclocked z2
I thought it was coming to T-Mobile! >.<
sort of sad that people pass their judgments based solely on physical attribute of the device. this is not a re-branded/vbranded/ibranded version of a Z2. Similar, yes, but the same can be said to most of the devices out there and their previous versions. Differences are quite significant. And no, I am not a Sony fan boy. Just not a fan of ignorance.
So the body is different….Cry me a river… You're all putting a case on it anyway, so who is going to know. I am actually pretty pumped this is actually coming to Verizon.
Sony Z3 in the Z1or2 body with Z2 screen and camera.  Verizon's new Frankenphone.
Verizon is such a fuckboy.
The Z3v definitely is based on the Z2, not the Z3.
Does a Qi charger come with the device?
Finally i can get this phone!!!!!!!!ÂÂÂÂÂ
Please guy make a review of the Playstationnow service 🙂
I would be more concerned with timely software updates on Verizon with this phone than Samsung or HTC. I still love the design of the Z3V despite the different look altogether and the huge logos. This phone still ranks as my number one choice. But of course I'm stuck till March 2015.
Looks like I'll be going to the Sony store to get the original version unlocked. I can't stand carrier logo branding and the bloatware that comes with it.
LOL THIS IS Sony Xperia Z2
This will end up being a 49 dollar phone on contract within 4 months. The thing looks hideous. I was hell bent on getting a Z3. Even have my Note 3 sold. The Z3 is the sexiest phone I've ever seen. The Z3v looks like crap. Man I'm pissed. I wanted the Z3 something bad.
it looks like the xperia Z,it should be called the xperia Zv
That's a Z2..
Am I the only one who prefer the "cubic" one ? I have a xperia Z and I love the design, remind me the monolith from 2001.
I'm wondering if Verizon is going to get in trouble with this because it's basically a Z2 in every way minus the overclocked processor.
tisk tisk
In order to put the verizon logo in the front, they have to use the z2 design huh? feel sad sorry for us customers and sony.
Leave it to Verizon to put that ugly ass logo back on the front of their phones I'm glad I switched over to AT&T a long time ago…
Typical Verizon taking a massive dump on top of a great phone by changing the design and loading it up with their usual tramp stamps. I really wanted the Z3 on VZW, be careful what you wish for.