Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge Tips and Tricks

Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge Tips and Tricks

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Recently picked up a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge? Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you get more out of your shiny new device!

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47 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge Tips and Tricks

  1. I just had an automatic update. The hour is on top and the minutes are below it. I had it where it was beside each other. As in 5/18. Instead of now it is 5
    if that makes sense. Does anyone know how to change it?

  2. Watch on S7 Edge😎

  3. my S7 only gets the internet for five minutes and then it drops a connection. Do I need to build a cell phone tower to get internet connection or do I need for the phone away and just get cable

  4. How do i make it to where if I type a word that theres an emoji for it shows up on my suggested words? I was able to do it on my Note Edge but but on my S7Edge. Any ideas?

  5. the phone I'm getting when me and my mom go get my new phone.. I have a HTC 510 since last year and now I'm getting my first Samsung😁 or HTC 1 if I can't get a Samsung

  6. I am getting this phone really soon can't wait 😃

  7. i love popup windows. this is very useful if you want to go back to something right where it was. having a few little temp bubbles on the screen is really useful. and looking at multiple things at the same time.

  8. I liked this video. The fella had a couple of tips/tricks which I didn't know about and like. One "tip" he might add is the SOS message feature, which I understand was/is on some previous versions. Anyway, you set up with whichever contacts you want notified in case of an emergency. Then if you click the power button 3 times, it will immediately send out an SOS text message to those people with a map of your location. So if you found yourself being attacked somewhere or if you were having a medical emergency, click the power 3 times and the message will be sent to the people you added when you set it up. Be careful though – I accidentally placed my phone in the cup holder upside down and when I crossed over railroad tracks, it activated and sent out the SOS text message and then I got calls from my contacts I had added asking if I was OK. So it does work.

  9. I predict that the home button will be pushed in just a bit more 😻😻

  10. "so yummy" 😂

  11. wow i really like that last feature !! it was always a big issue from samsung but they finally got a solution, hopefully it'll work as good as i expect right now

  12. obe cool thing you guys forgot about the S7 edge (idk if it was available for s6, I jumped from s5 to 7 edge) is the profile sharing option with your contacs, and all of those who activate it now have acces to a chat room with in the messanger app that allows you send stickers, know when your txt has been received and read, also know when the other person is typing a message for you…

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