Samsung Galaxy S21 series hands-on: Ultra-fine

Samsung Galaxy S21 series hands-on: Ultra-fine

The Galaxy S21 is here. Is it any good?
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35 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S21 series hands-on: Ultra-fine

  1. Disturbing to watch Samsung no longer including a charger or microSD. Nothing worse that companies trying to short change consumers for profit. Like grocery stores removing full service checkout and making the customer do the self-checkout; no thank you. Ditching the microSD forces consumers to buy the ultra if they want maximum storage; again no thanks. Also, how much internal room was saved ditching the microSD to be used for other new features? I'll keep my S8+ till it stops working and enjoy using my microSD. I still get great photos, and if I need telephoto, will use my Nikon D850 😛

  2. S21/S21+
    ❌No Headphone jack
    ❌No Headphones
    ❌No micro SD card slot
    ❌No Quad HD+ 1440p display
    ❌No Charger

    _ I'll stick with my S10+ thank you _

  3. Why do people care about the 1080p screens? You barely notice the difference, very few people actually change the display setting, and for those who do tinker with setting opted for 1080p 120Hz anyways, so I really don't understand the hate, the phones cost $200 less, and you end up saving battery with that 1080p display. I think Samsung went for an Apple approach, that is, compromise over innovation, which during this pandemic, we've seen work in Apple's favor since not everyone wants to or can afford a $1,000 phone, Samsung realized this, and I personally think their gonna sell pretty well this year because of that decision.

  4. I hope we get to the point to where we don’t gotta explain ourselves if we go somewhere.…good review tho..

  5. So wait this is android authority right yet he’s wearing an Apple Watch 🤔

  6. I will not be having the s21 because Samsung has followed iphone in to changing lots of money and taking away the little thing that make me but a Samsung and not a iphone. If I wanted to be to stupid with my money I would have just brought the iPhone

  7. To be fair there really is not a lot they are going to be able to do these days short of design changes. I love the way that these look even if I don't have any intention of changing phones again. I think they made a winner this year.

  8. Done with samsung. They made fun of apple 🍎 when stopped shipping the power brick and turn around and do the same thing. Along with the headphone jack. Just to name a few. Now no micro SD card slot. I'm done.

  9. Lol who wants a 70k FHD plastic phone 😂
    People will buy older S20

  10. I'm upgrading from note 20 ultra. I prefer slightly smaller screen and round, not too mention high refresh rate with qhd. Don't care about expandable storage. The phone looks sleek. Compared to s20, the price came down because of power brick and expandable storage missing probably.

  11. Why do these reviews always focus on things that do not matter whatsoever? First of all glass on the back of a phone is an incredibly stupid decision. Yes, I am currently driving a glass back phone. Glass is heavy and delicate. Want to impress me? Make the back of the phone from real carbon fiber. Next silly point is mourning the loss of expandable memory. If you fill up your half a terabyte phone then it is time for a data backup plan. Actually if you have important data on your phone you better be backing up well before that.

  12. Yea I’m switching from my s8 to a iPhone 12 pro

  13. Sprint is offering a free swap of my S9 to s21 if i stay with them for 2yrs. Seems like an insane deal but I don't know if i can go back to 1080p. Also is it me or PPI (pixel density) seems to be reducing with newer phones. The ppi on S9 is 570, but the ppi on S21 is only 424. And no headphone jack too? ugh.

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