Samsung Galaxy S III “S Beam” hands-on

Samsung Galaxy S III “S Beam” hands-on

We demo “S Beam” on the Galaxy S III, a new file transfer capability based around NFC and Wifi Direct. More coverage @


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20 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S III “S Beam” hands-on

  1. Так и не понимаю этих nfc! IK порт по моему удобней!))) хоть на расстоянии метра работает, а тут вплотную прикасаться, да еще умудриться ткнуть в экран нужно. Куда катятся технологии……?

  2. haha its a constant cycle. Android Fanboys ranting about how their cheap plastic is better while the better phone sells millions and millions and nobody gives a shit about them

  3. Yes I am so looking forward to iPhone 5, if there is ever one and of course for a different reason as Apple fans. I'm glad there are people who share the same view as I do. Thanks bludclone

  4. Tell me, How original was the "Brand new" slidebar in ios 5 again? 🙂 And iMessage… totally not a rip of from RIM's ping right?
    Sorry I forgot how brand new and innovative Apple was

    Just forget about who stole what from who… I think the most important thing is that the technology keeps advancing, and if someone creates something new, and a second or third party takes the idea… and completely improves it, big fucking care! It's a good thing.. its called progression

  5. This.

    This revolutionary new technology from apple was done 4 years ago…
    remember when the video calling hit iphone? I also remember the old 3 phones that did this in like 2004, it's nothing new it's the same shit wrapped in glitter.

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