Samsung Galaxy Note 7 review!

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 review!

The Galaxy Note 7 is here, and it’s arguably the best Android phone you can buy today. Be sure to follow up this great video review with our full written review on!

Video produced by Jordan Stead (

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39 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Note 7 review!

  1. i thinl this recall is BS and a knee-jerk reaction.. Samsung has said that the defective batteries only affect 1% of all Note 7's shipped thus far (which is 10k fir every 1million units). there are car manufacturers that WISH they had failure rates that low as many more cars have greater chance of a crutical failure then the Note 7.

    My wife and my phone have worked flawlessly. even the original ones we swapped out during the first recall were working A-OK… IMHO thisbis the best phone I have ever used.. If Samsung werent discontinuing production and future support of the phone, We would be keeping oura no question asked.

  2. Your face gets much more screen time than the phone. Take a lesson from Morgan Freeman & narrate without being seen so much. I wanted to see the phone more than just quick clips here and there. 🙁

  3. Surprisingly weak review from android central. Was really looking forward to this but Andrew seemed to have rushed this review or just wanted us to look at his 😔. Have to look elsewhere. Mrmobile did much better

  4. Final statement "if you're willing to put up with the larger size" is not logical. The whole reason anyone would be buying the Note 7 is because they WANT the larger size!

  5. I knew this would be bad when I saw only a 4 minute review smh… Come on guys this isn't just any tech site this is Android Central and this is the biggest Android phone of the year. People expect a lot more info and a much more in depth review.

    Oh and please don't ever include an interview of yourself in a product review. Who does that?

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