Jerry has a look at the Samsung Indulge, the first LTE Android phone.
Samsng Indulge hands-on

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BIG SAUSAGE LINK.. thumbs lol…
samsung misspelled smh
whats sup whith ur thumb lol
The battery sucks Dick I have this phone
@Bananas138 you can type touchscreen too they have swype installed
@ploutry ugh ur fat and ugly
@adamgamedude no
@lovahman i have the phone it stays on for at least 6 hours try charging it on your computer
@drethedawn cuz it was off
@BabyyElmo123 charge it on your computer the battery is much better
@chingon4677 200
@chingon4677 200
at 3:09 it says do not remove because if u do then everything that you had on the phone will be deleted so then you hav to go to the store and reactivate it
can some one tell me how the headphone jack is i want to put some nice big skullcandy headphones in but idk how big the jack is is it standard or is it smaller like most phones please reply thanks.
when i connect the phone to my computer to sync some music it will not sync. i am running windows xp what should i do?
how much is it now??/
@drethedawn the lg esteem?
i like this phone i own it. but theres a new LG phone that is a fucking beast it 400$ i think i im going to have to spend the money. it makes this phone look like shit
i removed the sim card while the phone was off nothing happened lol
@sweetXricerockets yes has it just is inside i mean u have to take out de back part is on the side of the phone
SweetXricerockets – It's there under the battery door.Kind of annoying but no big deal.
@photographer702 I think its for 4G. Much faster.
@notahumanbeing20 it can last about 6 and a half hours when you are using it alot and yes turning down the brightness help a little bit
@ludacrisbig i know you can do skype but you have to buy the $60 plan for metro or my friend bought the app.
@KevinR227 lol its faster that epic 4g soo im gessing this is the black kid mom adopted and the epic 4g is the kid that came outa mommy
Thumbs Up if you didnt notice samsng instead of samsung in the title 🙂
thats a baby epic 4g
@atlguy09 yep you can go all the way to just 1
@CountryBoy425 o and i really am a basic person what about 2 screeans
@TamaulipasHyna yes you can with zedge app
@atlguy09 yes
@Diamonprincess954 yes but you have to download the quick settings app
can you limit the screens too 5
@Android Central when the Cricket version of the indulge comes out will you be reviewing it?
@xXxXAssassin "lol don't compare metro to an iphone" – Why not?
"and i like how u say 3gs not 4" – Well I said 3Gs because it actually makes sense. Why would I compare it to an iPhone 4?
"and if an iphone had a qwerty that would be gay as f***" – I didn't say iPhones should have QWERTY's.
I fail to see how your comment contradicts mine. What I said is true. You can't deny that.
uh…the task manager that samsung implemented is awesome…it helps free up ram and stupid and stubborn apps that don't want to close on it's own
i will end up getting this phone soon, i have messed with the droid x and i was disappointed that this phone 1. didn't have an HDMI port and 2. doesn't have a mobile hot spot feature but i found out later that with a bit of "rooting" that function is actually available, i can get over the HDMI and the sucky 3.2 megapixle cam ,I'm glad that it runs fast and smooth, all i need though is it to be gingerbread upgradable and its a sale in my book!
can u use a stylus pen on the Samsung Indulge
@Tazy50 this is a nice phone for metro. i'm impressed (Droid X user here!) so for those who want that android alternative from iphone but dont want to spend on a verizon bill, this is probably worth it. the 1.78gb internal rom is appealing to me.
all these metro haters are always pointing out the flaws and what this phone DOES NOT have. I mean they always compare it to the other galaxy S phones. metro wanted to make this phone affordable so of course they would take down some features, but it still have a 1GHz processor, there are PLENTY of other phones with 3.2MP cameras, like 600Mhz processors and no QWERTY keyboard *cough cough* iPhone3Gs *cough cough* but they still get compliments. So why not this? Freaking haters gonna hate.
if u remove the sim card, chuck noris will bust your door down and deliver a roundhouse kick to the face.. courtesy of metro pcs 😉
1 its not automatic killing. 2 that program monitor is built into touchwiz for any froyo build
@J4Video especially since this is the stock Samsung one that is also found on the Galaxy S phones. I personally like it, it saves you the trouble of getting one from the Android Marketplace.
@bigk777 yes, it is there
@tdwplover22 It's about 4mbps to 5mbps on their 4G network.