Root the Motorola Photon 4G

Root the Motorola Photon 4G

Turns out rooting the Motorola Photon 4G really isn’t that hard. :p


18 thoughts on “Root the Motorola Photon 4G

  1. They screwed themselves over because of the Dock, haha.
    Btw, there's another way to root your Photon too. I've used it and worked great. It's called Photon Torpedo. No HD Dock required. All it needs is a computer, mouse, keyboard, USB to Micro connected from your computer to your phone. Plus a few small commands in the CMD Prompt. Easy!

  2. I have guy jail break n more rooted over comp remote, this worked perfect on wifi, now motorola got thete upgrade through root and now eill not eifi teather? When intering into wifi says is your phone rooted, so guess my kernal has been up graded.

  3. hi there!!

    can you please post a clip on how to Root using the newer methods posted on XDA???….

    i think the DOCK ROOT is probably not going to be the preffered way since an HD dock is pricey!!!

    Thanks so much !

  4. Glad I didnt do this,because my phone blacked out and I had to go up to sprint for a new one, and that was one of the first thing they asked me, is my phone rooted.

  5. Will the this Root effect insurance purposes, meaning if something happen to my phone will I be able to take it back , with out them finding a root on my phone and telling me I'm not eligible.

  6. Well, I think it's a soft root, which is why it works on the Photon so early. Just port the stuff that's worked on the other locked up Moto phones, and voila, root.

    Not at all ROM or recovery friendly, seeing as you can't actually do much aside from use SU(super user) required programs.

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