Pixel Imperfect: Inside 4 generations of flawed Google phones [Google Pixel Documentary] – Car Mod Pros Portal

This is the story the Pixel: how Google as a brand got into making phones in the first place, and how the past three years of Pixels has given us notable successes and blunders that leaves many of us wondering just where the Pixel series goes from here.

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By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Pixel Imperfect: Inside 4 generations of flawed Google phones [Google Pixel Documentary]”
  1. I had a nexus 6p, loved it.
    Had a pixel xl, was ok.
    Had a pixel 2 xl, loved it but the battery had issues and the speaker stop working and blue screen
    Had a pixel 3 xl, had hardware issues and screen burn.
    Had a pixel 4 xl, battery standby issues. Loved the face unlock, didn't use Soli, battery issues made me send it back. Removal of the photo storage was a big hit
    Tried a pixel 5, was disappointed by the audio quality and slow charging, removal of original photo storage and now notice of removal of unlimited reduced quality of Google photos pushed me to Amazon photos.

    Being from Canada I don't get any special offers, and considering Google gathers my data and sells my information yet I'm still paying full size as others didn't sit well with me.

    I used to love Google, but now I don't really care about them, and they don't care about me. The world needs a good Linux mobile.

  2. Thanks for the insight!
    Very excited for pixel 5 launch.
    Some say it’s a boring update, but means it’s a good chance for google to catch up on their cake rather than the icing for once

  3. Another problem even with the Advertising only really techy people and youtubers knew about Pixels and how good they are. I worked at Walmart selling phones and almost no customers knew anything about them

  4. Another problem nobody knows what it is and don't want to risk it, I worked at Walmart selling phones and before the Pixel 3 the Pixel 2 was selling for $500 off and bearly anybody bought its sad

  5. Android 10 is the worst thing to happen my Pixel 3. I have to restart my phone goes to sleep and the selfie cam freeks out whenever it's near glass or something ceramic. Can't even connect it to my MacBook. Piece of sh!t. Never again 🤬

  6. This video sounds surprisingly like a professional race car driver doing a review of my Honda Fit. I love it, while he is going to be underwhelmed at best. We're not all power users. And by the way, THE PHOTOS ARE AMAZING on Pixels…that's the most important thing in a smartphone for me anyway since ALL of them suck as telephones! By the way, who takes photos while listening to music? People, you need to learn how to focus 🙂

  7. Very unfortunate that Google has been so unlucky, such a great company with so many ideas. However, it is funny that they offsource their manufacturing assets to China, & still wonder why their phones have have so many hardware issues. The plants they send the parts to don't have enough solder to go around, 😂. Google is great at software, they just need to master hardware, & then everyone will buy their phones, no matter how expensive, & greedy companies like Apple are proof of that.

  8. The pixel phones are useless since with such a small battery you can't even make use of all its functions. The newest pixel4a is trash, with 3000 mAh battery and 64 gb rom for the entry level device.

  9. i hate how reviewers decide what feature is old fashioned and what is new. 16:9 is suddenly primitive and so is headphone jack. these so called tech reviewers (influencers) are part of the problem.

  10. Google's Pixel team made such a huge mistake by no making the hTC Pixel 2 XL and instead opted for LG.
    The Pixel team should've been open on having three devices, hTC Pixel 2, hTC Pixel 2 XL, LG Pixel 2 XXL. Had they done that, they would've had two good devices and one flop.

  11. Pixel 2 in Kinda Blue was the cutest thing. Small light blue phone. But the $649 and $849 prices, it just didn't resonate with former Nexus owners who paid $499 for the Nexus 5P and $379 for the 5X. Add to the number of issues with the much mote expensive Pixel 2 XL with units having screen burn-in after a week and battery drain issues. Nexus phones had flaws, but were tolerated due to the low price point.
    However, the Pixel 2 right now is such a good deal on Back Market, if you check every day on the site, you can get a Pixel 2 in mint or great condition for $129. Just don't pay $170 for a mint condition, always check every day until they put the price back to $129. Pixel 3 is $299, but add taxes and you'll be paying for $330 for it, not a good deal, just wait for the Pixel 4a.

  12. I'm so tempted to switch to the pixel after a decade of comfortable iPhone use. However the small things that the phone doesn't have compared to the iPhone just pushes me away from it. No wide camera and shitty battery life. Why can't they give me a proper battery!? I'm so pissed off that I can't give them my money. All of that for an expensive package? No thank you.

  13. Preach

    Coming from a pixel owner

    Pixel 5-7 bigger battery 90hz display triple camera set up 60 frames video recording features that rival apple recording gaming optimization low power mode bring back the fringer print scanner option wide-angle stable video recording make a radar gesture for sharing content etc increase software update years to 4yr or 5yr add more color options matte backs

  14. I've personally really, really liked both my Pixel and Pixel 3 and have had…basically no complaints about either, actually, other than the removal of the headphone jack in the latter. I've frankly been pretty confused at all the hate they've both received straight from the start, but then, I've also been pretty confused at people talking about the price or 'suboptimal' hardware, I guess, given that with the exception of the Pixel 2 it's always been the latest flagship hardware, and every service provider around here offers them heavily subsidized to the point that on a standard phone contract you'd end up paying less than $300 usd total across two years for a Pixel 3 just after launch, while iPhones, Samsung, and everyone else charging over a thousand dollars…is still charging over a thousand dollars.

  15. Goolge has a reputation of a great software company with bad hardware. Apple has a reputation of a great hardware company with unique software. Hence, Google will never be what Apple is.

  16. I got a pixel 3 for about $180 basically new online and can't find any issues I have with is. As an ex- apple user I like the smaller screen and faster charging times! But this might just be me lol

  17. It's unfortunate about the Pixels. I have the OG Pixel (2016) and still use it today. I have tried the 2, 3, and 4, and returned every single one. My daughter started out with the Nexus 6p, and the battery was the first thing to go. I ended up buying her the 3a, and it performs like it should with no weird bugs or issues, and she's happy with it.
    I am still a die-hard GOOGLE fan, but with the bugs and flaws plaguing their devices, I'm slowly leaning to OnePlus now. Test drove some of their devices and was very happy with them, especially the price. Yeah…you don't get the latest ANDROID every month, but the phones are better. Something I can deal with.

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