NVIDIA Tegra 4 Benchmark, Power Saving, and Web Speed Demonstration – Car Mod Pros Portal

We got to spend quite a bit of time with NVIDIA to see their demonstrations of the powerful Tegra 4 (and 4i) processor package. If you remember our coverage of the unveiling back at CES, here is our follow up – a real look at just what Tegra 4 can do. We get the benchmark numbers first hand and learn about the web browsing speed along with the power saving features of NVIDIA’s newest and most powerful set yet.

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By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “NVIDIA Tegra 4 Benchmark, Power Saving, and Web Speed Demonstration”
  1. нихухры мухры

  2. I was referring to high performance tasks, although Qualcomm's Asynchronous multiprocessing technology makes these processors as efficient as they can possibly be at all times. Besides Tegra 4's companion core is using ARM's A15 core with is extremely power hungry so that will harm Tegra 4's energy efficiency.

  3. Ouya should have held out for Tegra 4, it seems to be such a massive jump up from the tegra 3 the massive die shrink and the jump from 12 to 72 graphics cores. would have been so much better for HDTV gaming. I think I'll still support Ouya though because Android/Lunix gaming needs to take off and become truly mainstream and be a genuine alternative to windows/PS/xbox gaming.

  4. Tegra 4i is 80% speed of Tegra 4 (Anandtech), so it should be faster if it's true. Tegra 3 was a fail, it was a 40nm compared to the 28nm which could impact performance along with poor optimization.

  5. I'm not sure. Snapdragon S4 Pro absolutely destroys Tegra 3 so idk if a 15-20% bump will get it even close to it. Anandtech has some benchmarks where you can see how Tegra 3 stacks up to the S4 Pro

  6. Sorry I mean't performance should be similar to a Krait not S600, the higher clockspeed also helps along with it being a 28nm (less heat compared to Tegra 3). Plus it's half the size of the Krait and S600 as Nvidia claims, which is pretty darn impressive for that size. The GPU is a huge stepup as well at 79 GFLOPS ( 48 PS + 12 VU x 0.660 x 2) should put it equal to Adreno 320 & iPhone 5 GPU.

  7. Actually the Tegra 4 reference platform runs at 1.9 GHz. Also both chips running at the same frequency, the Snapdragon chip will destroy Tegra 4 in power efficiency.

  8. Theoretically, your opening statement is correct, but look at it in this aspect, Tegra 3 uses an older revision of the A9 core, this new revision is 20% faster than that revision, so in reality you will probably see a 20% increase in performance over Tegra 3, maybe a bit more because of the new GPU.

  9. Tegra 4i is A9 R4, this is only around 20% slower than A15 clock to clock (Anandtech), thus performance should be similar to an S600 and the higher clocks helps as well along with being a smaller die-size.

  10. Lol what a fail. They run benchmarks on a tablet which is running at the max speed the chip can run on and then they show power efficiency on a completely separate device that is most likely severely underclocked. They should have run the benchmarks on the phone that was strapped to the battery meter so we can see the truth.

  11. Tegra 4i will be lucky to match up with the Snapdragon 600 let alone the 800 since the Tegra 4i is built on A9 cores.

  12. nobodt is shitting over apple. samsung has tried and failed. apple is on a up pill right now. they won't be stoppable for a while. ever see why schools have so many macs? because they are training the next generation of people to understand and get used to apple products. personally my school had all apple computers/ and now ipads apparently, being subsidized as well. and personally i am so used to macs right now, i will never buy anything. its just not worth learning another os at this point.

  13. The problem with the T4i is we won't see it in anything until next year, at which point Qualcomm, Samsung, or even Intel may have something better.

    As good as T4i could end up being, it's window for excellence will be pretty small.

  14. No the S600 is the mid-range with the S800 as the current high-end. Qualcomm released the S400 and S200 mid to low-end chips recently. Since the S600 has many design wins, it will hold until T4i hits the market and clean up the floor. The S800 might just match T4i in gpu performance but its power consumption is unknown at this stage. T4i looks like a winner if Nvidia can clock up more deisgn wins instead of ZTE, Toshiba. Nvidia needs a HTC or Samsung to use this chip!.

  15. T4 looks great and all, but I have a problem with the comparison. They're rating power of the entire device, not just the SoC. So the higher wattage draw that he's stating could be due to any number of things between devices.

    It'd be much better to only show the power draw from the SoC instead of the entire platform. This would give a better idea of the delta between the older (last gen) S4Pro, and T4.

    At the very least it shows that T4 offers a competitive power envelope.

  16. You do realize the snapdragon 600 is the low end of t he new snapdragons right? the 800 is suppose to be much faster than the 600.

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