NVIDIA Shield Tablet Review – the tablet we’ve been waiting for

NVIDIA Shield Tablet Review – the tablet we’ve been waiting for

Buy at Amazon: http://geni.us/1aqi

The NVIDIA Shield Tablet might be simultaneously the Android gaming experience and Android tablet we’ve been waiting for. Josh brings you the review.

Best NVIDIA Shield cases: http://www.androidauthority.com/best-nvidia-shield-tablet-cases-580608/

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36 thoughts on “NVIDIA Shield Tablet Review – the tablet we’ve been waiting for

  1. CAUTION!!! I bought a tablet second hand and it was working fine. Then last week it suddenly stopped working. That is when I discovered the recall. So I entered my serial number and found out that a replacement tablet had already been issued for that serial number. Yes, I was scammed and did not research the SN before purchasing. Now there are potentially 88,000 of these recalled tablet on the second hand market. I have spent a lot of time with NVIDIA. They WILL NOT help at all. Yes it is nice that they replaced them for original buyers. However they do not seem to care AT ALL about the actual fire hazard. Buyer beware! LOTS of these recalled tablet on the market now. Yes, I have tried and tried to get a new battery or replacement battery to fix my tablet since nothing else is wrong with it. No luck and again, NVIDIA will NOT help at all. There is a tutorial in ifixit with battery recomendations but non are a match and they are all from aliexpress and dubious at best

  2. I honsestly don't get why you need more than 1080p on a tablet. I have a 1440p display on my phone and I can't even tell the difference between the sharpness of that screen and the screen on my Nvidia Shield. 1440p on a 20 inch monitor would still be sharp.

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