Motorola Backflip Demo

Motorola Backflip Demo

A demo of the software and hardware features of the Motorola Backflip


28 thoughts on “Motorola Backflip Demo

  1. Liebe YOUTUBER:
    Kauft euch NICHT dieses sog. "Smartphone"!!!!! Es ist ein SCHEIß fabriziertes MINDERWERTIGES Handy, welches VOLLKOMMEN veraltet ist=>

    Es gibt in EUROPA garkeinen ANDROID Updates, sprich, ihr BLEIBT FÃœR IMMER auf der 1.5 Version, die zum Teil GROB fehlerhaft ist!

    AKKU Wackelkontakt: Das Handy schaltet sich ab und zu EINFACH so ab und ist EXTREM lästig!
    Die TOUCHSCREEN Funktion ist LOW Shit Qualität, 100fach Schlechter als Iphone Touchscreen!

  2. no, the prices are outrageously crazy at $1,000 . just plain over priced….
    and ive seened a test video and its gonna lack many android things . will be sony erricson on top of android feel. i say no xperia , but do what u want. i would wait for sprint htc evo or get nexus one in my opinion

  3. Couple of issues here for me, how do the keys on the back not getting scratched up or letters rubbed off? I like the option of droid instead of Iphone, better camera-my current phone is better than Iphone. Don't really care if it looks like one or the other, but the options offered. Does this have amoled, how fast is the processor speed?

  4. Can you give me an idea on what's coming. I just tried out the Samsung Moment on Sprint and loved it, but they don't have the coverage here. I want an android phone, this has better features than Iphone(camera, processor) but want more options than just Iphone or Backflip. But is there more androids coming?

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