We take a look at the Moto X, and whether or not it has staying power. Is this the successor to the Nexus 4, or just a bump in the road? Find out in our review.
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Have this phone today, it's been amazing all this time but it's been kinda buggy and it's slowed down especially now on lollipop. I'm going to upgrade soon to the nexus 5x but it's been a great little phone 🙂
the Asian guy does it better!!
Awesome review
I just purchased this phone…this is a fairly high performance phone. But it does have lag. Gaming performance was fab! But again for everything that I need this phone has. I love the active control and touch less control! But the pixels for Camera is not so good, battery life is excellent…and again research what you need….this works for what I wanted.
I wish it's Josh who did the review,.
aint there a 32gb moto ?
Good Review..realistic
You mention carrying a spare battery or the moto x  – Errrr the battery is non removable, I wasted 8mins listening to you about the Moto X only to hear that statement. Dear god why are you talking about something you know fuck all about. I want my 8 mins back!!!!!
Does it cost extra to customize it with a 2 year AT&T contract??
Awesome phone that truly has some great features not found on any other smartphone. I love the touchless controls and I also love moto skip, so you don't even have to log into the phone in order to use it.
How and when can I buy a Moto X (I live in India) ??
Based on the fact it's plain Jane Android I am all over it. Even willing to say goodbye to the S4 and go back to Android being Android and not touch wiz hell. Also Moto has a discount till Feb on the phone. So stepping into the developer version is not too bad as you can run CM11 and or other custom ROM's. Thank God Verizon offers that!
Which is better moto x or xperia z ?? i love to have experience of different phones :p  but i'm really confused :s plz help
Hoo buddy! Check that QOtSA!
What's the obsession over 1080p? On a screen that size with a high ppi density, your eyes can't tell the difference. If you claim you can…you're full of $hit.
I can't wait to see the successor to this phone
I've made my mind for the phone I want for Christmas. The moto x looks awesome. Thanks for the video showing all the feature.
I won a Droid Moto X off twitter and it's since replaced my iPhone 5. Awesome phone! And I never thought I'd give android another chance after my terrible Droid Incredible a couple years back.
Just wanted to say, the quality of this review was top notch.
Nice review… and awesome green room and guitars! 😉
Bello bello bello bellooooooooo
You got it, its all about the feeling you have when you are handling it, day by day, who care about the specs that you use once yearly, who care about how many f__ng sh_t core inside ? If it run good ill be glad with my purchase even it were a hamster running inside… Its like all were about numbers…or a "price tag" (JJ)
and what about the call quality that literally everyone complains about on every review site i've looked at???
Republic Wireless!
If you actually watched the video, you see him specifically talking about the Google Play Music player and playing several big games. Half of my apps on my phone are games. Have just as many as I've had on my old iPhones. Can't tell if you're just a troll or really misinformed…