LG V20 Drop Test

LG V20 Drop Test

Read more: http://goo.gl/RNRMCL | Buy at Amazon: http://tyvm.ly/fNM0h6d

LG now has the V20, a military grade metal clad smartphone. Naturally, we have to drop it and see if the claims hold up.

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49 thoughts on “LG V20 Drop Test

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  2. وعلاه الخسارة ههههههههههههههه

  3. Some of these tests are unrealistic. Unless you throw it up in the air, it's probably not going to fall that far. Thumbs up to LG for withstanding so many falls!

  4. Que jablador el mio se me ha caido y nunca se le sale la tapa eso fue cuando lo destapo se la dejo supuesta para en gañarnos

  5. Handy Case might wallop, Wear a rub gloves if you have wet hands 💦 or your too intense Sloppy 😖😫😩

  6. Try dropping the lg v20 here in the Philippines 🤣🤣 roads here and even side walks are a scary place to drop a phone even a gorilla glass 5 will break here

  7. Wow what a strong phone! First phone I have seen that actually stays in tact. Totally worth getting even a refurbed phone like I am. You can easily replace the back cover and battery. This is why I don't purchase a phone new so if the screen cracks I just get a new glass cover.

  8. why would you drop it flat? How often does that even happen!! The phone screen has NOTHING to do with "military grade". Other video, under 2 feet drop on corner, and its cracked.

  9. Please check your camera and see if the drop cracked the lens cover. Also check to see if the telephoto lens will focus. My LG V20 fell out of my pocket (2-3 feet) with a case. The lens cover cracked. I removed it but the telephoto lens will no longer focus. I have read about others having this issue.

  10. Watching this on a V20 today 🙂
    And yes, my phone has fallen two times right onto concrete, but still looks new!
    No, I do NOT use a case or a screen protector! YOLO!

  11. I have the same phone and in the first time i drop it to the floor, it got with a lot of scratches… in the first time! and then I bought a new LCD, I installed it and what happened was the same problem as with the original LCD… it got broken! I think this is a terrible phone, or probably mine is hunted.

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