LG G5 in 20 Seconds

LG G5 in 20 Seconds

Buy at Amazon: http://geni.us/LGG5

Josh asks friends from Android Authority and beyond to say what they think about the LG G5 in just 20 seconds.

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43 thoughts on “LG G5 in 20 Seconds

  1. Here's my hot take on the LG G5 vs Samsung S7 Edge. If I break the screen on the LG G5 I can take out four screws and replace the unit myself for about £20-30 ($30-$40). If have a tiny crack on the screen on the S7 Edge it's £250 ($300) to replace.

  2. If the B&O module actually added an awesome speaker rather than just hifi audio then I would've appreciated the modules alot more because I would actually find that useful

  3. over all i think the wide lens camera wouldnt ever be useful to the average person i dont really like the UI (no app drawer kills it for me) the back of the phone looks terrible (i really like the front through) … the modular parts so far none really excite me, i think it has potential but also i know where i live might only get 1 free modular part for the phone and you wont be able to get any others … over all im pretty disappointed, i do think the sales will be bad, i like LG so i hope that they not too bad … i hope the no add drawer doesnt catch on, i hope samsung finds most people like it and it stays on most Android phones … over all its a cool concept and good on paper, but i dont think that will generate real sales, on paper Sony should be one of the top selling phones and its not even close … on paper iPhone be one of the worst selling phones … unfortunately being new and innovative and having everything good on paper doesnt grantee sales

  4. LG G5

    ✓screen/front design

    x back design

    Ui= i don't care, since I don't use any of stock launcher after going to android from ios..

    I think I will stick on my G4 for now and wait for Note 6 or Nexus, maybe?

  5. The first million calls into tech support will be: I broke the connector that connects the battery to the base module. It would have been so much nicer if they could have done a push in battery to lock mechanism like with most digital cameras so it's not attached to the base. If I just want to swap the module out I don't have to yank the battery off and attach it to the other module. Now if that module already has a battery, great.

  6. concept is good but its practicality isn't. the cam grip just has a dial and a button to snap. sure it increases battery life, but if they put a decent battery in it from day one then we wouldn't need it. and hifi mmmh wow but how many people have that sort of format to play :p?… front facing speaker modular with Dolby mmmh now that would be nice.

  7. Removable battery with Sucksssssssss screen on time.. 👎👎👎👎👎lg

  8. Kinda feel bad for LG, because its clear that they are working hard to innovate whereas Samsung is more popular and hardly innovated with the s7 yet they barely get any hate :/

  9. Tbh, I think people will be fascinated by the modules initially, but eventually won't care for it after first couple of weeks. It would be like S-pen in Note series, I use it everyday, but I've seen people using it for 3 days and never touching it again. S7/S7 edge would definitely be a safer option. Kudos to LG for trying though.

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