Lenovo K900 Hands-on – Car Mod Pros Portal

Anndrew has a quick hands-on look at the just announced Lenovo K900 here at CES 2013 in Las Vegas. Read the rest of our coverage here: http://androidcentral.com/lenovo-k900-hands


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Lenovo K900 Hands-on”
  1. Intel® Atom™ processor Z2580
    Dual Coreâ„¢ 4-thread, up to 2.0 GHz processor

  2. In India, there's no sign of the Phone although Lenovo claims it has been launched. Also no info regarding their Service Centres for these Smartphones All Hype and Smoke.

  3. we can see there are two slots at 1:21 ,that may be the sim card & SD card slots. Actually, the retailed phone K900 which is coming on 6th May will be only one sim card slot and not support SD card extention.

  4. yes i agree with you,I am a Chinese seller to sell abroad through my online shop,what you said is execactly ture,most of our customer speak high of our service!!they feel very good in my shop!

  5. let me tell you one thing, now days smartphone not always about better or bigger spec.
    but the important ones is after sales service and user experiences.

  6. I would like one but will not buy one because doesn't look like it has any specific software features…
    Sony and Samsung are coming with some awesome software changes…

  7. Seems like they're getting of netbooks off the market and putting it on phones not. Soon intel will incorporate there i7 on phones too?! Lol

  8. lol punctuation?? seriously?? what a desperate move, now you really confirmed that you are indeed an idiot, lol this is the last time i am going to reply to a stupid person.

  9. i know its an SOC you idiot, im talking about the tegra line up 1,2,3,4! oh yeah, i have stated all my facts which makes me smart and all you do is bash on it coz ur stupid and u dont have any idea with what i am talking about, come on i dare you to get technical and you keep on insisting that i check on the websites im not stupid like you i've been programming all my life so i know what the hell im talking about, you are stupid and just admit it you cant even exchange ideas with me.:)

  10. Tegra 4 is a SoC. And you're just a boy who claims to have a lot of knowledge. But you can't legitimately elaborate. 'I have a trained eye, etc. etc.'. So all the techsites don't know anything? Most of those guys, like me have been gamers before you probably were even born.
    You can't even provide a link of the video you base your opinion on. Let alone strengthen your opinion with a supporting statement by an authority.

  11. Why would I be a Tegra fan. What kin of idiot is fan of a SoC? I just never heard any of the claims that you're making. I read techsites on daily basis, and non of the sites I read mention any of the problems. Games are hardly optimized for since it's not even out yet. Support your claim with a quote from a legitimate site (F.e. Brian Klug from Anandtech: "Responsivity while playing PC games on the Shield was extremely good, I couldn't detect any lag."). If not, then you're just a troll.

  12. i guess you dont have a trained eye for it, check out project shield and the games that are optimized for it, if its fast it should run a standard 60fps since the game is optimized for it but it doesn't all their games lag and that's a shame coz its tegra 4, im gonna end it here coz this is dumb ur obviously a tegra fan so you wont understand.

  13. Alight, if you're so sure of your case, then show me proof. Who says or shows that it lags because it's too slow?

    Wouldn't be logical, since there aren't any real Tegra 4 games and Tegra 4 is more powerfull than Tegra 3 and thus can run all of those games. But I guess there are demo's that you speak of? What's your source, cause I can't find any articles that support your case. You're just shouting a personal wisdom now.

  14. are you stupid?? im not talking about the live streaming you moron its the games that is optimized for it thats laggy, im wasting my time with you and your stupidity, tegra 4 is laggy and im not impressed if you want a tegra 4 device then go ahead no ones stopping you.

  15. Well no, 'cause you obviously haven't checked the news yet, or don't know that this matter goes above your head. Tegra 4 is way more powerful that Tegra 3, so it's fine. Certainly for a phone. And the lag in Shield isn't about GPU-power but about the connection.

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