Ice Cream Sandwich on the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note

Ice Cream Sandwich on the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note

Phil finds an AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note laying around CTIA running Ice Cream Sandwich. Read the full story at


46 thoughts on “Ice Cream Sandwich on the AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note

  1. I don't like ics with touchwiz running on top. For some reason to me touchwiz robs ics of all its glory and makes it seem like a toy. I'm sure touchwiz is very functional and efficient, I don't really like its overall look and feel compared to let's say sense or iOS.

  2. Uhhh yes it is. I have the exact same one. The International version has a physical button on the bottom. This one has 4 touch buttons on the bottom. YES it is a Note.

  3. ooh so THATS the LTE version that i kept reading about on spec sites, i actually like that layout better, although i read this only has a 1.5ghz single core cpu rather than the 1.4ghz dual core.

  4. what a useless video, dude. stay away from doing this kind of things. You didn't say nothing at all except there is no differences, when ics has new features and some are exclusive for note

  5. ugh. I was looking fwd to a totally new interface but looks like even with ICS my Note will still be stuck with fugly Touchwiz. Will so root it after the warranty is up.

  6. stupid people think they are supposed to use touchwiz…most of them doesnt even knife what it means, they think touchwiz is a launcher…if you don't want touchwiz install a custom rom…

  7. WHAT THE ….!!!! I thought Samsung delayed the ICS update on the Galaxy Note so that Note gets the new Nature Touchwiz that they added to GSIII !!! Bad move Samsung.

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