We’ve been using the Huawei Mate 20 Pro for the past couple weeks. Here’s the first chunk of our review, with the most important five things to know about the latest Huawei flagship! More @ https://www.androidcentral.com/huawei-mate-20-pro-review?utm_source=ac_yt&utm_medium=yt_video&utm_content=20181023&utm_campaign=social

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By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Huawei Mate 20 Pro Review Part 1: Top 5 things to know before buying!”
  1. I'm a Mate 20 Pro user here's my review:
    1- LOVE the battery life, it's awesome.
    2- Face ID beats iPhone by far, so fucking fast and you don't need light (I've done tests with no light at all and works so fast)
    3- On-Screen Fingerprint ID it's very fast.
    4- I like the swipe gestures but the home could improve
    5- Pretty design.
    6- It's fast
    7- Reverse wireless charger it's very handy.
    8- Curved displays are the best change my mind. #FACTS
    9- Comes with a dark mode <3
    Cons 🙁
    1- The cameras come default with A LOT of zoom, you need to get far away to take picture of things that are close to you (your hand for example).
    2- Low light videos SUCK, it's SHIT, default camera and worse for Instagram (I went yesterday to a festival and it was dark, my sister recorded with her iPhone 8 and me with this and if just not even close, even my old S7 Edge takes way better videos).
    3- Speaker built in the charger… Yeah don't expect to listen to YouTube or hear vn if your charging ir.
    4- Speaker quality is shit (S7 Edge is better)
    5- Microphone is shit too (specially if you're in a festival, same as before, iPhone beats this and also my old S7 Edge).
    6- Yes, it's pretty, but slippery AF (if you buy the ones without grippy back which are the Twilight (which I have) and pink), the included case is even more slippery.
    7- Notch and no headphone Jack, specially headphone jack :'(.
    8- The software (EMUI 9.0) it's SO green, it doesn't have anything, too plain and no options, no customization, it's so boring and so behind compared to Samsung (yes, I really like Samsung)
    9- More software, knuckle gestures?? Like wot?🙄 You need to punch your phone with your knuckles and draw things?? Not smooth at all, a little hard to use and doesn't work every time.
    10- The Flash is weak af.
    11- I HATE the photo gallery, in Albums you're locked with 4 Albums as main albums: All Videos, All Photos, Camera and Screenshots, then you have a section called "More Albums" and you have a gap between those WHAT? (And you CAN'T merge them) then you also have another Album calles Others and Trash and you can't delete them, they're really annoying to see.
    12- A lot of unnecessary icons in the icon/notification section on the to of the screen. Instead of showing messages notifications, Instagram, etc. They prefer to show that you have your headphones connected, Eye Comfort it's on and more irrelevant stuff that you already know you have and shouldn't be showing up like a notification.
    Thanks to whoever read this, I'm gonna sell this as soon as the S10 comes out, or even see if I can refund it to Huawei and use my good old S7 Edge.
    Subscribe to PewDiePie.

  2. I hate how it's super zoomed in on selfie mode – video and selfie mode in apps like Instagram and Snapchat. Anyone have any idea on how to not make it super zoomy?? Please help hahaha

  3. I’ve had this phone for a week now and wow it’s amazing, the battery is shockingly good, I take it off charge at 4am and go to bed about 11pm and I’m only at 55% compared to my Note 8 where I would need the charger by 4pm.

  4. Hahaha I bought it for 279$ from T-Mobile 👌😄

  5. The main camera doesn't have OIS right? How does it handle low-light images without getting blurry?? And no I'm talking about the auto mode… Not Night Mode.

  6. One thing I like huawei phones is their signal strength, it's easily the best of the best in industry. Strangely very few reviewers ever mention it.

  7. I buyed the mate 20 pro yesterday but i cant find the fingerprint option in THE settings menu.. have looked everywear can someone pls help me find it

  8. Few questions: How do I buy one of these in America? What carrier do you use? Is there any way to trade in my iphone 7 or will I have to buy the Mate 20 pro first and then sell my iphone?

  9. i have p20 pro and i just bought the mate 20 pro….my life is complete…buat at a cost…mate 20 pro cost me 1030 euros and p20 pro 900…and i olso have a mate 10 pro

  10. It does many complex things but fails to do the very basic, Do Not Disturb mode is a a joke… Plus the curved screen is a fail.

  11. Seriously you youtubers talk so much rubbish I bought this phone and returnees it immediately the face unlock is garbage is works when it wants to which is about 50 percent of the time and for £899 that’s just not good enough
    I’ve lost all confidence in YouTube reviews lately loads of butt licking for freebies
    Trust me people the face unlock is garbage

  12. Had the p20 pro just got the mate 20 pro… All great but very down about the front camera, I can't get a sharp picture, all very fogged and blurred compared to the p20 pro… I really hope this is software update fixable

  13. Who would spend a thousand bucks on this? Like Wtf is Goin on with manufacturers? I get how the iPhone x was 999 but god damn these new prices are just nuts

  14. I've got the Mate 10 Pro and really like it. Would upgrade to the
    Mate 20 Pro, but the finger print sensor under front glass appears to be unresponsive, hard to locate or lagging. for $1000 I will wait for Huawei to improve on their finger print sensor.

  15. The biggest improvement with the Mate 20 pro must be the new processor, which can handle the things the 970 in the P20 pro couldn’t.
    And they also listened to reviewers and customers and replaced the monochrome with a wide lens. Good job Huawei!

  16. Got mate 20 pro on Friday fully charged at 6pm I have since charged it at mid day Sat Sunday at 10am and now Sunday at 10pm its 10%. I think I'll probably get through most days with a full charge at 6am then around 4pm not as good as I hoped from all the reviews. Loving the camera shots however some are blurry (my shakey hands and moving subject), but I was hoping stabalization would be stronger. The beauty defo needs scaling back on portrait mode, and some of the camera settings are hard to find like colourful person in black and white scene, especially with the gestures turned on. Going to try to drain the battery completely in 4hrs tomorrow

  17. Got my mate 20 on release day and my speaker clicks on for a second when videos are on say twitter, even on silent, kind of buzzes for a second as if it realises there must be sound but then it's on silent, same when going into apps like pokemon go, anyone else notice this at all??

  18. Any issues with the face unlock? Found it not to work majority of the time with my bearded face, works fine with people without beards.

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