We take a quick look at how easy it is to add more home screens in Android 4.4 KitKat.
How to add home screens in Android 4.4 KitKat

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It WAS intuitive so of course they had to change it to something I have yet to figure out.
Thank you! Just what I was looking for!
Doesn't work for me…
Thank You Brother
How do I remove home screens
THANK YOU! I have been searching for this for soooo long!
This did not work for me at all.  I was under the impression that this was all you had to do and it doesn't work for me.  I have new LG G3 with KitKat 4.4 and it's not working at all.
How do I add a new home screen without having anything on it?
thx dear
I have to assume this is done using the Google launcher found in the play? This is not standard fare.
Why does the + icon at the bottom keep appearing for me I don't want an extra blank page I don't even pick up any apps it just randomly adds a blank one sometimes for me
This does not work at all on my Nexus 7 2013 KitKat with the stock launcher.  I am stuck with 5 home screens.
thx bro its work !
it doesnt make any sense at all, why changing something that works beatifully for something that is confusing, and requires you to move and slide and such? If it works great, dont change it!
how can I do this on Moto X with kikat 4.4.3?
awsome! i now have 4 screens 🙂
This doesn't solve my problem. I need an empty screen to add a 4×4 widget. I cant place the widget because it needs an empty screen and I'm stock.
Is this supposed to work on every phone? Because it doesn't work on mine.
Thanks, been looking for this for a couple of hours… Now I feel kinda stupid ^_^
perfect, thank you!
Android Central i have a Samsung galaxy tab 3 7.0 inch. Do u know if i can update that to kitkat? Oh and by the way now im running android jellybean 4.1.2
Can you do this on a Nexus 7 running KitKat?
Didn't work???
Thanks..! It workzz..:)
What about blank homescreens? i like having my homepage a blank screen so i can just see my background wallpaper. Are we not able to do this anymore?
Thanks sommuch Android Central for this video. I've been scratching my head on how to add another homescreen. Cheers mate!
it doesn't let me add what's that song widget to an other page or no official Google app some have problem to add in other pages
I guess the video is slowed down?
Wow that process seem like an eternally compared with my S3 with touch wiz…. You just pinch the the current home screen your on and click the + to add a blank home screen then drag your icon/app to it.
does that mean you can't keep an empty homescreen …. that's one functionality gone then
why using sdk?
why would i go back the iOs?! iOs is a really useless os. no widgets, no app interactions, no sd card, no menu key, no swappable battery, etc…
currently Android is far more advance. and what Google did here is not a bad thing for android, since we can always just swap a launcher (something you can't do on iOs). its just the trend of Google to destroy Android, that worries me.
Android status bar used to have 2 colors: blue/green for "all is good" and white for no internet. now, its always white
Not sure if I would call this intuitive…
not necessarily a copy. What google now offers is beyond what the "swipe left and search" did for IOS.
Please do a bit more research before you flame.
ture. BUT they should only take the GOOD ideas! this is CRAP!
can anyone tell me how is this better than pinching than clicking the + sign ?
google are stupidly trying to copy the bad stuff from ios!
ios HAD a search function to the left of the home screens, then apple smartly took it away. now Google copied it. WTF Goolge?!
Can you add a screen to the left? Like between the Now page and the home page.
Why did you slowed down all the animations?
anyone know the max for the number of home screens?
and then why are the carriers so slow to push them out?
Correction: why is samsung so slow in updates?
wow! you're recording the screen using the feature on the phone itself KITKAT!!! well done on that,! think it's not a bad idea making a video on that,too!!!
I didn't know iOS had Google Now when you swiped left… .)
Everybody borrows from everybody. Don't start a flame war on who copied who.
If they're good ideas then they're worth taking. In fact i'm astounded it's taken Android this long to implement app draw and status bar transparency.