Hands on with the T-Mobile G2

Hands on with the T-Mobile G2

Jerry has a hands on look at the new G2 on T-Mobile http://www.androidcentral.com/hands-t-mobile-g2


45 thoughts on “Hands on with the T-Mobile G2

  1. this phone is great(:
    i had the g2x but was having so many problems!
    random reboots overheating freezing -__-
    and then i got the g2 and its so much better ! no problems what so ever

  2. @AndroidCentral I just ordered ZTE Blade, this t-mobile G2 (HTC desire Z in europe) though, isnt tham much more expanzive! Do you thing I shuld cancel my order, and pul little more money into this phone?

  3. i can't load the market application. As soon as I choose an option, for example if I go beyond the first set of options and choose "Applications" I get this message: "A server error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to previous screen.

  4. @ConverseKey Im going thru the same situation as you its kind of hard to decide asking people in this video, obviously alot of t mobile fans here but ask in yahoo and send me the link !

  5. @karatekris29 i had my hopes on that, just other phones had the same trouble as well. Nobody can really vouch for these articles, but the nexus s ( google had said the 2.3 update will fix the random reboots) still randomly reboots in the 2.3 update. Mine has the "screen bleeding" which is hardly noticeable to be honest and has only rebooted once so I may still keep the phone.

  6. @cpcrame i just got it a couple days ago and i have also heard that in the middle of the night it reboots for no reason, i also heard of screen bleeding, its never happened b4 to me though, but im pretty sure it will be fixed in the android 2.3 gingerbread update that tmobile said will come "soon"… of course we dont know how long "soon" is

  7. @karatekris29 I agree, but there are bugs. I'm considering switching to a g2 since mine shut down while charging and, after looking online, it seems to be a common problem. It's one thing to rush a new phone into the market, but this is one of the first dual-core phones so it's even more risky. Anyway, how is yours? I'd like to wait it out and see if there's an update that will solve the issues, but I only have until May 7 to go g2 or else risk getting stuck with a possibly defective phone.

  8. @jenny12233 g2x is sooooooooooooooo much better than both of those phones, it runs so smooth cuz of that tedra dual core processor, the g2 is fast but u wont believe how much better the specs are on the g2x, although u said that u like keyboard phones so… it matters what u want more, a smoother and faster interface or a keyboard, and trust me… the iphone is nothing compared to the g2x (i have an ipod touch as well so theres no point in me getting the iphone lol)

  9. How can link or merge my phone contacts to my facebook contacts? Its synced but I have some contacts twice…their facebook account and my phone contacts

  10. Hey guys!!
    Please tell me which phone is beetter..
    The Iphone 4G Or The tmobile g2??
    Im gonna get either one and i cant decide
    plz tell me which is better and why!
    Thankkxx alott!!

  11. im soo confused… i like the g2 and the g2x dont know which one i should get.. i currently have an iphone 4 this is my second iphone(had the 3g) and im tired of it already.. i feel like the g2x is too similar to the iphone but i like it.. then again i really like the g2 because i use to use keyboard phones like the htc tilt and g2 is similar to that… lol so u can imagine how confused i am..

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