Google Pixel: Demand exceeds expectations & Glassdoor shows your worth & Google Jamboard

Google Pixel: Demand exceeds expectations & Glassdoor shows your worth & Google Jamboard

Jayce talks about this week’s Android news!

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44 thoughts on “Google Pixel: Demand exceeds expectations & Glassdoor shows your worth & Google Jamboard

  1. Business Opportunity in Ruvol

    I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.”

    It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.”

    The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.” In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.” It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,” where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized” to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game” has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.


    I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link:


    It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.

    You may contact me at:

    Thanks and God bless!


    The Ruvol Inventor

  2. Call me crazy, but I believe Google sabotaged the Note 7! I'm not a tecky so if you want to laugh at my conspiracy theory go right ahead. But with them gearing up for the release of their own Pixel phones it wouldn't be difficult for them to write some specific code in the Android OS software target a particular phone would it (That's not a rhetorical question.I'm asking forreal)? The Pixel XL 128g cost $869, about the the same price as the Note 7. Which phone would you buy? I'm just saying!!!

  3. The same thing happens with the One Plus 3 and I don't know why… I ordered mine on the 20th October and the estimate delivery is on November the 17th but my credit card has already been charged smh…

  4. Good phone but still meh…. Design is somewhat unappealing, hardware spec will become mediocre in next month, galaxy's display is still way more powerful in many aspect, and, most importantly, the price tag. It will somewhat equal out considering google's software support toward their reference and if the user is under google project fi which will offer great service with affordable price. Well, without the note 7 crisis? It won't be like this anyway.

  5. I cannot buy it😿

  6. For all we know Google could have made 100 Pixels and demand was so high orders will be delayed till they make the next 100. The phone looks formidable but something tells this hype marketing.

  7. I use as. Smartboard in my classroom and have just introduced Google Classroom to my students. I think the board would need to have a larger viewing screen to work effectively in my classroom. I love the idea, though, and I love that Google is trying to break into the education market. A board that worked seamlessly with my hardware AND was cloud – based would be pretty useful. Google, if you're listening (and we know you are), I'll be happy to product-pilot for you!

  8. Google doesn't have enough Pixel devices just like Nike can only make 49 pairs of their self lacing shoes. It is a standard marketing tactic that works every time.

  9. This thing is hopelessly ugly. The other guys from AA Pixel review tried to justify bad design by saying one can't make all the time attractive design , but just look at the new Xiaomi Mix released yesterday. It is one of if not the most attractive phones on the market. So it can be done. There is no excuse for Google's screw up.

  10. Yep! Cancelled my Google Pixel order. When I ordered, the website said that particular device (Pixel, Quite Black, 128 GB) was in stock. But after I placed the order, the order detail was showing I preordered the device and it will ship at the very end of November. Contacted Google, but I was told they didn't have any in stock. Why say in stock, while they actually do not have it in stock…

  11. Bullshit! I don't know a single person who bought a pixel, in the other hand I know 5 people who have bought an iphone 7. 95% of the average smartphone user don't even know what a pixel phone is.. so stop bullshitting us!!!

  12. high demand or low inventory? Google is seriously trying to be like Apple in every way lol I have yet to see anyone walking around with a bezel or bezelxl

  13. The Note 7 gets tossed out of the market, creating a vacuum in LARGE Android phones and the Pixel takes the Note 7's spot.
    Nature abhors a vacuum.

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