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Jayce talks about Google Assistants new features.
Article: https://www.androidauthority.com/google-assistant-pretty-please-2-929911/
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Business Opportunity in Ruvol
I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.â€ÂÂÂÂ
It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.â€ÂÂÂÂ
The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.†In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.†It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,†where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized†to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game†has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.
I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqth0m3-R0
It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.
You may contact me at: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com.
Thanks and God bless!
The Ruvol Inventor
I think your company very
Catchy thank you verify
A Pro ceo profeshional
Who is qualifed.
A must be a very palite
or woman.
SD&@LETTERING % £eara~₩ic. Owner
Also/-TM ,C & R ALL
However little channel.and it does about animals, so I want you to go check it pls
I just called my Google assistant and asshole and it came back with please don't talk to me that way! I had never heard it say that before and I've called it every bad name in the book
what are you talking about? google assistant is my punching bag, that's her only use for me, she's the best I can punch her all I like and she never hates me
Google will become SKYNET
Google Assistant will always be cumbersome because it never activates properly for me. Never once has it actually unlocked the phone (which it is supposed to do with voice recognition) and perform a command without needing physical intervention. It's a great feature, just don't call it a "hands free" feature.
I had to unplug my home mini that sits on my desk while watching this
google wins by incremental steps ? not when it comes to messaging apps or social networks
Avoiding catchy activation phases to convert into Memes? On second thoughts have anyone have memories of an episode of Star Trek TNG when one ensign lady was treating kindly the AI of rhe starship while ordering food from the replicator? She catches the attention of Geordi La Forge 😉
You activated my assistant and interrupted your own video.
WTF do you experienced it 2:20
Rip pixel ultra
Please fire this guy and get Joshua back !!
Rap God was here ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Thumbs down cause you kept turning on my own Google home
Hey Google why are people so lazy they can't touch their phone
Well crap…. milk is now on my shopping list… thanks
tl;dr the comment section: first world people blaming everyone because youtube videos triggered their google assistants.