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Business Opportunity in Ruvol
I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.â€ÂÂÂÂ
It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.â€ÂÂÂÂ
The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.†In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.†It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,†where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized†to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game†has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.
I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqth0m3-R0
It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.
You may contact me at: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com.
Thanks and God bless!
The Ruvol Inventor
Is this how a bomb works?
I only use my iris scanner in my note it's faster than the finger, and pattern. Like it's a swipe of a finger then you're in. Instantly. Thank God finally
Been using S9 Plus and it seems the iris scanner is a little faster now than the fingerprint scanner.
The iris scanner on the new Samsung Galaxy s8 is super fast and works even in the dark.
well just Got my Samsung Galaxy s8 plus and the iris scanner ON that phone is awesome it goes so fast even in dark places
so I know this video is almost a year old but I just got the galaxy s8+ and it's iris scanner is faster and more reliable than the first getting scanner on my s7 edge and the s8 has a smaller bezel 🙂
The iris scanner is so pointless. If you tell me you would rather use the iris scanner than putting a finger on the display…idk what to say.
just got the note 7 and the iris scanner is blazing fast and very accurate and the bezel is not big at all. what a grate feature
Nothing is more secure than a long passphrase that only you know
Question is, can it be fooled like the facial recognition when using a photograph of the user? If so then it's worthless too.
Spoiler: It Does ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
i just sold my iphone 6s i can't wait for this beast to be realeased on august 2
Windows hello works great, except it's on Windows phones
release date?
how the iris scanner works first take the phone and then gouge out the owners eye then scan it
Hey, at least Samsung isn't removing the 3.5mm headphone jack.
So instead of making the phone 4k they decided to put this stupid shit in there instead.
No more BEZZELS!! Down with bezzels. I can live without an iris scanner but I can't live with those horrid bezzels! hurumph!
Here are my two concerns. Will it be as fast as a fingerprint scanner? And will it work in the dark?
I'm from 2230, the iris scanner will first make its appearance on the samsung galaxy note 132
Hello.. my questions don't relate to this video but I am just wondering since you guys are tech geniuses… My nexus 6 is rooted already.
Can I install nexus 6p ota into my nexus 6 phone? Will I be able to use nexus 6p camera software since nexus6p ota in my nexus 6phone?
Picture lock on blackberry 10 OS is the most secure of all! Check it!
what a stupid Gimmick
Actually iris recognition is much faster than finger print recognition, you can look it up on Wikipedia. Also, it's very hard to cheat.
dont know what's for… i would rather use fingerprint sensor. it's instant now, so iris might be slow like the first finger print sensor ever built
can't wait for 6gb of ram 🙂 and faster processors love samsung 😛
not liking the idea of curved edge only because I didn't like it but as long as samsung is on top I'll stick to it
Can I just have an IR Blaster back on my phone again please?
note 8 may have Isis scanner.
I hope Samsung will issue two versions of the GN7, one with & one without this iris scanner. The average consumer (that is me) needs neither the added expense nor the bigger bezel. Furthermore, if the development of the fingerprint scanning is any guide this new technology will work only half the times. Remember Samsung has yet to get the fingerprint scanner to work as perfectly as it does on the N6P or the Oneplus3. I can just imagine the iris scanner working only partially & the whole thing depending primarily on facial recognition.
Still chasing the perfect phone.
The pace tech is moving at the moment amazes me.
Hmmm, how usuable will dis actually b? Der may b use 4 dis tech but putting my phone close 2 my eye 2 unlock jus seem like an extra bit ah movement I cud duh wid out. Another gimmicky Samsung feature. No more useful dan apple's 3d touch. Gimmicky crap. D finger print scanner is more practical in daily use. But in marketing d fanboys will all clapper wid girlish glee jus d same burp
Why Iris? That is Siri backwards -_-
I hope ppl Remember that Microsoft did it first
I cant believe people are sleepwalking into this tech and feeling comfertable giving out this information, you will all be screwed in the future when money etc is only accessable via rfid and is digital, they can then cancel your funds and shut you down when they feel, its another step towards population control, sound like a conspiricy theory nut but its true!