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Business Opportunity in Ruvol
I have invented a Board Game [still unpublished and not yet out in the market] that I believe is guaranteed to be as challenging and exciting as CHESS. I called it “RUVOL.â€ÂÂÂÂ
It is my hope that one day Ruvol may surpass chess as the “Number One Board Game in the World.â€ÂÂÂÂ
The weakness of chess is it always starts in fixed positions that the opening moves become “memorizable.†In fact, not a few have so mastered the moves that they can play against their opponents “blindfolded.†It is for this very reason that the great Bobby Fischer introduced his so-called “Fischer Random Chess,†where the starting position of the pieces is “randomized†to make the memorization of openings impracticable. Fortunately, it is also for this reason that I invented Ruvol where “every game†has been calculated to be a challenging one to play.
I detailed everything in my YouTube video. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcqth0m3-R0
It is worthwhile to note that the people who play chess will be the same people who will play Ruvol. In my Google search, I learned there are around 800 million chess players in the world. Even just a small percentage of these 800 million is good enough to earn big money from Ruvol either as an ONLINE GAME BUSINESS or as a PHYSICAL PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR.
You may contact me at: rodolfovitangcol@gmail.com.
Thanks and God bless!
The Ruvol Inventor
All the Samsung fanboys are crying foul calling it a fake or a tampering issue. Deal with it.
I think they can most certainly recover however many customers will now be afraid or think twice before buying…ðŸâ€ÂÂÂ¥ðŸâ€ÂÂÂÂ¥
Samsung wash machines explode now
who else is watching this from his note7? 😂
I don't think huawei and companies like that have enough advertising. to take over quite yet.
I'm guessing a Note 8 is out of the question?
Samsung UK did not send out email to returning customers for pre order. and were SOLD OUT for pre order by the time customers were eventually notified. Thousands of customers including myself were told sorry but nothing we can do. All the time there were guys on EbayUK and Amazon UK selling them on pre order for £899 and with over 10 remaining next to order number. so it looks like Samsung let people order as many as they wanted. so the real customers got shafted an extra £100 if they wanted to buy from eBay/Amazon plus losing out on not receiving the free VR set. As a customer that has owned a Note from the original up ti the 5 I must admit I was really hacked off at this and right then decided to never again give Samsung another penny for any anything. I have spent somewhere like 6/8 thousand pound on Samsung products over the last 5 years. I have to admit I had a big smile since I heard what has happened to the Note 7. get it right up you Samsung.
Daaamn Daniel.
mi mix has already taken over
The battery mfg., tests to insure there battery is safe, needs to pass government inspection to make it to market.
So does Samsungs products.Both have (mtbfr)
meantime between failure ratios.
I.E.Product development does stress tests. And nothing was found.
Something doesn't seem right.
how dare you not mention OnePlus company after Samsung killed the note series, they killed it on purpose cuz they wanted the S series.
SAMSUNG makes phones, war tanks, skyscrapers, jet engines, war robots, gigantic container tanker ships, Medical centers, insurance ETC. Their total sales eclipse the combination of apple and Google…. I'm sure they will be ok lol. I LOVE ALL OF MY SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE PHONES
I would still buy a note 7
iphones blow up why do samsung note 7 go on the news??
I disagree. Samsung made a mistake. It does not only mean they will be more careful next time, but that they will be extra careful next time. Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will be, undoubtedly, an amazing phone.
Samsung will recover look at their stock it just reached thr highest ever. Also the company's response to the phones was exactly how a company should behave which I think will help them maintain confidence in some consumers. The Note brand is probably dead but not Samsung.
This is good news for the LgV20.
Apple better fill in the gap with the specs the note 7 had with the next iPhone. If it does it will give the Note its final blow!!
Looking forward to S8
I don't think the Note brand is ever going to be able to continue.
i really really doubt any chinese company will take over samsung. if htc or lg give a push they can surely rather than being lazy. this phone was named note7 instead of 6 just to compete with the iphone 7. apple is saving up everything for the next year iphone which will be the 10 year anniversary.Apple knows the sale of iphone 7 wont be rising much than the 6s but this note 7 fire is gona increase the sale of iphone 7 like hell. samsung needs to be the stop of note series and needs to make the galaxy s series their only flagship phone
I'd trust Huawei if their phones didn't have so poor build quality.
Samsung were just turning into apple and releasing iPhone clones, good riddance to them!
A bigger problem for Samsung is flight attendant's worldwide don't don't understand its product line. I'm StarAlliance Gold. Last week at both YYZ and YYC I heard both West Jet and Air Canada staff on numerous occasions announce the ban incorrectly. One voice said 'all Samsung 7 phones', one voice said 'all Galaxy phones', one voice got it close to correct and said 'all galaxy 7's'. The fact is, airlines are making Samsung's issues much worse and spreading consumer fear to it's other products.
I think Google themselves are behind this. Samsung has been developing their own OS for several years now. How hard would it be for Google to send a "time bomb" to the Note 7 ? Straight out of the liberal playbook, make it look like your enemy destroyed himself. And oh by the way, we have the new Pixel phone that doesn't blow up!!! The Note 7 was hands down the best Android device ever! Had this tragedy not happened , the bar would have remained until the next Note release. RIP NOTE 7 I'll miss you, no one will take your place. I'm not a "fan droid" I have owned more iPhones than anything else. I just fell in love with the Note phablets back with the Note3 I'm back to my Note4 now, which is not bad with 6.0.1 running now.
Your voice matters, SIGN & SHARE: https://www.change.org/p/samsung-compensation-for-galaxy-note-7-owners
One positive thing I can say about this is, if they stick with the blueprint of an Improved upon Galaxy for the Note they will figure out the Issue with the battery and come with something better. I wouldn't mind paying an extra 100$ for a safer battery with more mili amp hrs. than ever made in a smart phone to date. The Galaxy series alone shits on Iphone because they always come with new innovations while the Iphone is still the same yr. after yr. after yr.
I definitely guarantee that Samsung was not sabotaged, that is ridiculous difficult to do and is very, very, very unlikely. Literally a 5% chance of that ever happening, this was Samsung's fault, and they need to (and have) take(n) credit for those incidents.
Ok, in sweden the news only write about phones if it's about the iPhone so almost no one knows about exploring note 7's. The phone never launched here before the recall.
fake cases of Note 7 fires,
Samsung reveals ‘false’ reports of Galaxy Note 7 fires
Read more at http://trustedreviews.com/news/samsung-galaxy-note-7-false-reports-fire-recall-fake#dihlMv3flma96vH5.99
Actually samsung has 500 billion $ turnover of a year just from electronics (including TV, washing machine, Music System, Fridge, etc.). Also the are into aeroplane engines,insurance, infrastructure (The Burj Kahilfa and Petrona Tower is bulit by Samsung) and many more… They will easily recover.
korean and taiwanese century is over
Samsung can recover if they make prime phones at an affordable price.
Samsung needs to make sure that their next few smartphones they release are free of catastrophic problems or it will definitely be the end of their mobile division.
Why do I feel like the folks at AA are a little too excited about Samsung's fall from the top?