First Look: BlackBerry 10 vs. Android – Car Mod Pros Portal

In this video CrackBerry Kevin gives us the Android Central audience a first look at the new BlackBerry Z10 and BlackBerry 10 OS.

For more info, be sure to check out CrackBerry’s reviews:
BlackBerry Z10 Review:
BlackBerry 10 Review:


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “First Look: BlackBerry 10 vs. Android”
  1. When Apple was the most popular "Go Apple if you want to be a sheep" Now that Android owns the market "Go with Android they have the biggest market share". Hypocrites

  2. I moved from Blackberry with a solid keyboard to Android with touch. Using the Swift Key keyboard for android I find I type faster than I ever did with the Blackberry. Touch screen typing takes getting used to, but after a while becomes second nature.

  3. Keep telling yourself that dude. My experience is that most lowlifes were Crapberry users. Well, lowlifes, Nigerians and a small portion of business peoples who steer clear from the social side of Blackberry. Android is actually the biggest of the big boys seeing as the largest Smartphone marketshare currently goes to Android. Also, stereotyping a female as either offensive word speaks volumes for Crapberry users. I used to own one. Biggest mistake I ever made.

  4. I thought the same before I tried it, but the new typing system is blazingly fast and accurate. I daresay it's faster than my old BB physical keyboard. It's amazing.

  5. Is blackberry trying to copy IPhones but this phone is pretty confusing to use I mean flicking up just to unlock the phone that's just crap but apart from that it's good!!!

  6. A perfect project managers phone. I'm keen to try it… But admittedly am tempted to stick with the Galaxy's after just looking into the S4

  7. Dont worry the Q10 is on its way. But the virtual keyboard on the Z10 is pretty damn good, I've compared it to my Bold 9900.

  8. They ruined BlackBerry! BlackBerries are all about productivity on the go, and not being a gimmicky toy. Bring back real keyboards! Touch screen typing is not good!

  9. I don't own nexus 7, I have a HTC Evo phone running android & I use multitasking all the time, meaning switching from multiple apps, email, browser without having to close any of them in the process,this can also be done on iphone easily. Again multitasking doesn't make this phone special. I'm not sure about nexus 7 but on my phone all you do is hold the home button for about a second & all the windows pop up for all the applications running then you can easily scroll through them.

  10. Gadgetman, according to your view, both Android and IOS would be classified as failures on launch. This is a new mobile computing platform that launched 70,000 apps and that number is growing. This is true muti-tasking on a phone as if it were a laptop or PC. The QNX operating system is the most reliable operating system on the plant. It's most likely powering your world right now – just search QNX. Do I even have to mention that the keyboard is the best in the industry?

  11. I would disagree. Even the Nexus tablet cannot multitask at all. I remember I was having a debate with an I-drone friend and they insisted that their nexus 7 could multitask. So, I said, why don't you show me? Sure enough once they go into a facebook app and then try to open a new app the facebook app closes. In other words, they had to load the facebook app up once again if they wanted to go back in there. Mr. Fletcher, I would ask that you please look at the facts before spewing ****.

  12. Android & iOS both allow for multitasking, This phone is nothing innovating, doesn't offer any new features & has less support than the other mobile operating systems on the market. It's no way for it to compete especially without Netflix & Instagram native support. Most consumers are not going to wait for this thing to catch up, for what?

  13. So the BB10 has nothing new to offer from whats already been available with other phones? Just seems like an attempt to play catch up.

  14. I been using an ipad for the last 4 days and after having an android for 3 years I cant understand why anyone would want this crap the more I use it the more I hate it never again. The problem with apple's stuff is not the hardware it's ios and itunes. Apple people are always talking about ease of use yet it's easier to sync and share and customize and change things the way I want them on android. I ended up jailbreaking it just to get 10% of the customizability of my android.

  15. This blackberry phone is a failure. No apps, no Google services, no games, horrible hub idea mixing app notifications with email…..RIP RIM/BBRY

  16. no you got it all wrong
    1. Android
    2. WP8
    3. BB10
    4. symbian
    5. some crappy java software
    99 . junk
    100. ios

  17. Well appart from BB being idiots still thinking 4mm button QWERTY keyboards are functional, I really thinkk they did an awesome job with this OS, it is very effective. Apple could learn a lot from them… Icons are just ineffective and retarded, sadly I have never seen an ipad being used productively…

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