Final Fantasy 6 for Android Review

Final Fantasy 6 for Android Review

Final Fantasy 6 has been released on Android and it’s one of the greatest RPGs ever made. So how did Square Enix do with the port and is it worth that $15.99 price tag? We’ll let you know in this review.

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24 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 6 for Android Review

  1. This game looks awful. I'm sorry but it completely butchers the original art style. Every character doesn't feel like it's from the world it was built on, and the world itself feels more bright and happy than the original which had a much darker setting.

  2. The DRM was bad, but wasn't bad enough to not buy it.

    The "upgraded" graphics were the deal breaker. Ugly stuff. That's not the FFVI I remember, and I'm not interested in purchasing it any longer. I'm the kind of person who says "Graphics don't mean anything, a good game will stand on it's own", but I'm eating my own words right now, I just can't stand how it looks.

  3. There's no cloud save? I swear I startedthis android version of ff6 on my old phone and continued it with my new phone after logging into my Google acct and downloading the game again. I recall loading my old save and not having to start over. This was a year ago so my memory could be mistaken

  4. Personally, I like the new graphics… but the best FF ever deserves much much more than this.
    Square's treatment of FF VI is beyond my comprehension. Damn them.

  5. You have to have internet access to even play it? I was thinking about getting it for an upcomming road trip but because smart phone internet gets spotty in rural places that's a no go.

  6. I have FF6 for the GBA but I was still thinking about getting it for Android. It is nice to have good games on your phone because it's the one device you always have in you.
    You can become use to the control lag, but I could never ever be bothered to waste my time with games that requires an Internet connection to play. What a stupid waste of time when the game it self is single player.
    My FF6 on GBA wasn't cheap either so I'm glad I have a reason to never bother with this android port.

  7. Relm and Gau are practically the same in ability, except Gau can call on any monster ability he learned, in berserk status. Relm sketches and mimics the monster, and it varies, from her punching, slapping with her paintbrush to casting strong spells for free…Don't get me start on Umaro…

  8. They still didn't fix the control after two years!!! 😠😠😠

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