FDP 017: Ask us Anything! – Car Mod Pros Portal

The team gets together to respond to your burning questions for us! Instead of the usual poll that we put up on the Google+ page, we simply requested any and all of your questions that you wanted us to answer. And in this episode, we go through a number of different topics, not the least of which include Cyanogen and what we think the future of Android looks like.

It is the first of hopefully many Ask us Anything episodes that we want to make available on the FDP!

The FDP by Android Authority – discussing topics in Android every week.

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By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “FDP 017: Ask us Anything!”
  1. hey guys, im long time iphone owner but i recently been thinking of switching to android (specially the sony z3) and I'm hoping someone can answer my question. when apps/games are moved to the micro sd card, would i still be able to play them? I had a problem with my younger sister's samsung tablet where i would move some games to the sd and afterwords the games will be un playable, i had to move back to tablet's main storage to get them to work

  2. I have a 2013 MOTO X that I use to as a mobile hotspot but it isn't fast enough to stream 4K content from YouTube. Would an upgrade to a phone with a quad-core processor be able to stream 4K video? Suggestions please.

  3. What a disappointment, couldn't get past the first 30 minutes… listening to you guys giggle like little girls. Maybe next time.

  4. I agree with Joe about stereotypes, people still take the piss out of touchwiz and yet don't realise how different it is from the S5 to S6. I gave up with Samsung after my s3 mini, but the new OS looks much better, would by an S6 if I had the money 😛

  5. Glad my question got featured and this was a very interesting podcast overall, I look forward to the next installment of this kind. In respect of the question I asked about region specific flagships, I in my capacity as a tech fan have to side with your general response which is that you would preferably like OEMs to release all their devices worldwide. However, thinking commercially or as a business person I think region specific flagships is very important for companies like HTC, Sony and even LG who do not have the biggest market shares. This is because, in the West HTC can kind of rely on their brand, fans and some improvements to their flagships in order to do well in the Western market. But that is very different in Asia, where brands like Apple, Samsung, Lenovo, Xiomi pretty much own the market, which means a different approach is required in order to meet profit margins. From the way I see it, average consumers in the Asian market are either very brand focused or spec focused, thus if you don't have the top of the line specs or market/mind share you are going to have abysmal sales. Whereas Apple does not have top of the line specs but can rely on their brand to sell in pretty much any market, most OEMs are not afforded that luxury.

    This is also why I would have to disagree with @Joseph Hindy and Nirave in saying that there should only be three devices by OEMs. Yesterday a friend of mine asked me to suggest a new device for him to replace his broken one and his budget was around £80, I quickly realised just how few devices are in that product category…. Then there are screen sizes to factor in within the budget, mid-tier, premium mid-tier and flagship range which pushes things past 3 or 5 devices a year. If there were no shareholders in these companies driving for high profit margins in each market these corporations sell in I think the situation would be different, but like most things at the end of the day it comes down to money.

  6. I think a good podcast topic would be what Jace often allures to with saying "Mother Google" on his android weekly segments. "If Google has too much control of Android (aka monopolizing it) or if it should have more" I really have been waiting for you guys to do a podcast segment related to that.

  7. Our two latest #FPD  podcasts are out! The first is a mailbag sort of thing where we (kinda sorta maybe not really but eventually) answer questions we get asked and the other is the Oppo R7 event with some special guests. Lemme tell you, we had some fun this last podcast 🙂

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