Droid Incredible multitouch test

Droid Incredible multitouch test

Phil tests out multitouch on the Verizon Droid Incredible to see if it’s better than on the Nexus One and Motorola Droid.


44 thoughts on “Droid Incredible multitouch test

  1. @taylorarlisehudson: Bad idea, there is going to be a new droid lineup very soon (i think 1 to 3 months is a good guess), you will be stuck with an outdated, unsupported phone if you get it now.

  2. @Donnyrocks1996 they are doing better because there are 100 versions of android phones not to mention buy one get one free deals they are just selling cheap junk fandroids go crazy for

  3. @BarricadeSlade its funny, i got an email about this comment on my new droid incredible that i just got yesterday. I ended up getting it instead cause i liked it better than the X after playing with both in the store. And yes i like HTC Sense it is awesome. Much better than my old Motorola Droid.

  4. Not two different panels necessarily, two different touch processors, the processor in the nexus one wasn't mean to process multitouch, although the processor in the droid incredible is meant for an unlimited amount of touch inputs simultaneously

  5. The Desire has the same crappy sensor as on the Nexus One. I really like the incredible but i live in europe and the device won't be launched here so i gotta take the desire..DAMN! What should i Fu**ing do? 😉

  6. Reading hardcore apple fan's responses to anything android related makes me sick. They're so misguided with the wrong information and assumptions.

    "Apple did it first! Stop copying!"
    "Apple perfected this 3 years ago!"

    What none of these idiots know and refuse to believe is that Apple did not invent any of this. What they also forget is that in a world of COMPETITION, the CONSUMER wins. These morons like to be spoon fed all the crap Apple gives them based on reputation.

  7. @iKaosii Switching colors isn't a problem, if the fingers get to close the sensor can incorrectly interpret which finger is making which touch. If an app existed for the iphone to do the same you would see the same things happening

  8. I just tried that Blue Dot test you just did, with one of my N1s, and it didn't lose the dots, at all. Same Dots Same finger. Did it the same way you did.

    Never had any issues with my N1s.

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